(5033) Mistral

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(5033) Mistral
Properties of the orbit ( animation )
Epoch:  September 30, 2012 ( JD 2,456,200.5)
Orbit type Main belt asteroid
Asteroid family Koronis family
Major semi-axis 2,9200  AU
eccentricity 0.0536
Perihelion - aphelion 2.7634 AU - 3.0766 AU
Inclination of the orbit plane 2.5108 °
Sidereal period 4.99 a
Mean orbital velocity 17.42 km / s
Physical Properties
Medium diameter approx. 9 km
Absolute brightness 12.4 mag
Explorer Eric Walter Elst
Date of discovery August 15, 1990
Another name 1990 PF, 1975 RO 2 , 1979 HT, 1981 UF 18 , 1983 CP 1 , 1988 FH 1 , 1990 RW 9 , 1991 UU 2
Source: Unless otherwise stated, the data comes from JPL Small-Body Database Browser . The affiliation to an asteroid family is automatically determined from the AstDyS-2 database . Please also note the note on asteroid items.

(5033) Mistral is an asteroid of the main belt , which on 15 August 1990 by the Belgian astronomer Eric Walter Elst at de Observatoire Haute-Provence ( IAU code was discovered 511) in southeastern France.

The asteroid was named after the French poet and linguist Frédéric Mistral (1830–1914), who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1904 .

See also

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