323rd Infantry Division (Wehrmacht)

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323rd Infantry Division

active November 15, 1940 to February 1943
Country German Reich NSGerman Reich (Nazi era) German Empire
Armed forces Wehrmacht
Armed forces army
Type Infantry division
structure See outline
Installation site Francs
list of Commanders

The 323rd Infantry Division was a major military unit of the Wehrmacht .

Division history

The 323rd Infantry Division was set up in Franconia in November 1940 as an indigenous division of the 13th wave of deployment . It consisted of three infantry battalions from the 62nd and 73rd Infantry Divisions . In February 1942, it was reclassified into an attack division for use on the Eastern Front. First, the infantry regiments were increased by a 13th and 14th company each, and the 323rd Infantry Division received the order to secure the coast on the English Channel in Normandy . After that, she led the way to Charleroi in Belgium and from there in May 1942, the final transfer to Russia , where they in the Ukraine of the Army Group South was assumed. 323 ID marched with 2nd Army from Rovno via Zhitomir , Kiev , Konotop and Kursk to the Don west of Voronezh . At the hotly contested bridgehead of Voronezh, the 323rd Infantry Division had its first major combat mission and there were several defensive and offensive battles. Since the lines could no longer be held, the 323rd Infantry Division had to retreat across the Don via the Dewiza to Gorschechnoye. From there, an attempt to break through on the Oskol was started, but it had to be stopped again. The division had to flee from Stary Oskol along the Psel to Sudscha and was so decimated that it was officially dissolved in February 1943.

The survivors were divided into the 75th and 26th Infantry Divisions and in November were merged into Divisional Group 323, which was subordinate to the 88th Infantry Division .


Division commanders of the 323rd ID
period of service Rank Surname
November 15, 1940 to January 10, 1942 Major General / Lieutenant General Max Mühlmann
January 10 to November 5, 1942 Colonel / Major General Hans Bergen
November 5 to December 25, 1942 Major general Viktor Koch
December 25, 1942 to February 2, 1943 Colonel Andreas Neubauer
February 2, 1943 until unknown Lieutenant Colonel / Colonel Roland Koschella


Changes in the structure of the 323rd ID from 1940 to 1943
1940 1943
Infantry Regiment 591 Grenadier Regiment 591
593rd Infantry Regiment Grenadier Regiment 593
594th Infantry Regiment Grenadier Regiment 594
- Ski Battalion 323
Artillery Regiment 323
Panzerjäger detachment 323
Engineer Battalion 323
News Section 323
Resupply Troops 323


  • Georg Tessin : Associations and troops of the German Wehrmacht and Waffen SS in World War II 1939–1945. Volume 9. The Land Forces 281-370 . Biblio-Verlag, Bissendorf 1974, ISBN 3-7648-1174-9 .
  • Werner Haupt: The German infantry divisions . Ed. Dörfler im Nebel-Verlag, Eggolsheim 2005, ISBN 3-89555-274-7 .
  • A. Schwarz, H. Bitternmann: Data table 323rd Infantry Division - Das Ski-Bataillon 323 - October 31, 1942 to February 20, 1943, Eckert, Fürth 1966.

Web links

Notes and individual references

  1. "bo" or down-to-earth division in contrast to the attack division suitable for field use
  2. ↑ Tributary of the Don
  3. ↑ Tributary of the Dnieper