9th Paratrooper Division (Wehrmacht)

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The 9th Paratrooper Division was a major unit of the Luftwaffe of the German Wehrmacht during the Second World War .


The division was set up on September 24, 1944 in Stargard in Pomerania . The unit was deployed on the Eastern Front in the area east of Szczecin .

During the Battle of the Seelow Heights (April 16-19, 1945) the division fought under General Bruno Bräuer in the Association of the XI. SS army corps against the Soviet troops in the Oder - bridgehead near Küstrin . The front was broken through at Zechin and Letschin and the defeated division was pushed back to Wriezen via Gusow and Buckow . During the Battle of Berlin , the remnants of the unit were smashed in Berlin-Neukölln until May 2nd .
