AGA business association

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AGA business association
legal form Registered association
founding July 1, 1949

place Short milling 1

D-20095 Hamburg

president Hans Fabian Kruse
executive Director Volker Tschirch
Members 3,500 wholesale, foreign trade and service companies in the five coastal states of the Federal Republic of Germany

In the AGA North German Business Association Wholesale, Foreign Trade, Service eV, mainly medium-sized companies from Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein are organized.

The association looks after wholesalers and foreign traders as well as company-related service providers, e.g. B. from the areas of forwarding, logistics, advertising, marketing, information technology, security, health, care, social services as well as building service providers, engineering offices, telephone agencies and temporary employment agencies.


AGA logo until 2001
AGA logo until 2010

The roots of the association go back to 1919. At that time the "Employers' Association of Wholesalers in Hamburg e. V. “founded as a socio-political interest group. When the National Socialists came to power , all employers' associations and unions were dissolved. After the Second World War , the "Economic Association of Wholesale and Foreign Trade Hamburg" (WGA Hamburg) was formed. In 1949 the “Social Policy and Labor Law Department” of the WGA Hamburg was established, which was responsible for advising members on labor law and negotiating collective agreements with the unions. In 1954 this department was given full independence - the "Employers' Association of Wholesale and Foreign Trade eV" was founded.

In order to anchor the brand “AGA Unternehmensverband” more firmly in the minds of companies and the public, this short form of the association name is used in public appearances and in correspondence.

In addition to its main office in Hamburg, AGA has offices in Bremen, Hanover, Kiel and Rostock.

Today more than 3500 mostly medium-sized German companies are organized in the association. Around 150,000 people work in these companies in the trade and service sector.

Functions and goals

With its 40 employees, the association supports member companies in all questions of corporate and personnel management. It represents the branch and company-specific interests of its members towards politics , administration and the public . The argument is underpinned by facts from operational practice, which are obtained from surveys of the member companies.

The core services of the association include advising member companies on labor law and representing them in litigation. The AGA lawyers attend around 1200 appointments before the labor courts every year. Another focus of the business association is education policy. The association is committed to high-quality training in wholesale and foreign trade as well as in the business-related service sector and supports its member companies in their search for qualified applicants for apprenticeships.

The association interferes politically when it comes to the interests of medium-sized companies - whether corporate financing, additional personnel costs, school policy, bureaucratic burdens or corporate taxes. The AGA thereby sensitizes the public to the concerns of medium-sized companies.


The association has an honorary presidium and management. President is Hans Fabian Kruse, managing partner of Wiechers & Helm GmbH & Co. KG. The managing director is Volker Tschirch.

Apprentice from the north

The prices

The North German apprenticeship award under the title Apprentice of the North has been awarded since 1998. It is awarded annually by the AGA company association together with the INW-Bildungswerk Nord to two of the best applicants from the wholesale, service and retail sectors. The first prize with the award of the title of Apprentice of the North is endowed with 1000 euros, for second place there is 500 euros. In addition, a prize worth 1500 euros is given to trainees who have overcome special challenges during their training and have shown outstanding commitment in the process. For an additional “audience award that is advertised on the AGA YouTube channel”, prize money of 1000 euros is offered.

Award winners

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. n.v . : Azubi des Nordens 2018 on [ undated ], last accessed on October 29, 2018
  2. a b c d Josina Kelz: He is Hanover's best trainee / Fabian Giser wins the North German apprenticeship award - after three discontinued courses , in: [[Neue Presse (Hanover) |]] from October 26, 2018, p. 19