Your caresses

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Original title Your caresses
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1969
length 92 minutes
Age rating FSK 18
Director Herbert Vesely
Peter Schamoni
script Esteban López
production Peter Schamoni
music Roland Kovac
camera Michael Ballhaus
cut Heidi Genée

Your tenderness is a German feature film from 1969. The film was based on the novel Like Brother and Sister and Other Bitter Things by Esteban López , who also wrote the screenplay.


The siblings Christine and Stefan grew up separately due to the divorce of their parents and did not know each other before. They only get to know each other as adults. Christine lives in Barcelona , while Stefan lives with his mother in Baden-Baden . When Christine visits Baden-Baden, the two siblings get closer. Christine is aware that she is entering into a relationship that is illegal and pretends that it is only a very close sibling relationship and not an intimate love relationship. She is torn between dislike and affection for the brother and also enters into other relationships in order to suppress the love for the brother. When she finally decides for the relationship, he marries the Swede Monika.


The Austrian director Herbert Vesely started directing this film and Peter Schamoni took over the direction from him during the production.


  • Evangelischer Filmbeobachter (Review No. 495/1969): Not portrayed as a tragic and lively emotional fringe situation, but rather from a distance, as a cool, melancholy literary model. The perfect color recording technique is particularly remarkable. For adults.


  • Esteban López : Like brother and sister and other bitter things. Stories (original title: Als broer en zuster, pijnlijke vertellingen ). German by Helmut Homeyer . Melzer, Darmstadt 1967, 182 pp.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Your tenderness. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 17, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used