Aalemann Canal Bridge

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Coordinates: 52 ° 34 ′ 22 ″  N , 13 ° 13 ′ 16 ″  E

Aalemann Canal Bridge
Aalemann Canal Bridge
use Pedestrians , cyclists
Convicted Havel cycle path , long-distance cycle path Berlin – Copenhagen , hiking trail 12 of the 20 green main paths ® in Berlin
Crossing of Aalemann Canal
place Berlin-Hakenfelde
construction barrier - free cable-stayed bridge , steel
overall length 67.59 m (including all ramps: 156.50 m)
width 3.00 m
height 24 m (A-pylon)
building-costs 1.797 million euros
opening July 8, 2010
Aalemann Canal Bridge (Berlin)
Aalemann Canal Bridge

The Aalemann Canal Bridge is a foot and cycle bridge over the Aalemann Canal in the Hakenfelde district of the Berlin district of Spandau . The barrier - free cable-stayed bridge was completed in 2010 as the last part of the Berlin section on the Berlin – Copenhagen long-distance cycle route .

Location, function and foundation

The bridge spans the Aalemann Canal - an approximately 700 meter long branch canal - just before its confluence with the Havel . It is part of Radfernwegs Berlin-Copenhagen, the part here again the Havel cycle path is also part of the Queen Luise Route and Havelseen path , the trail 12 of the 20 green main ways ® Berlin. It shortens the distances by around one kilometer, as the canal had to be bypassed or cycled around before the bridge was built. To the north are the Oberhavelsteg over the Teufelsseekanal and the Bürgerablage , to the south the Maselake Canal , the Maselakepark and the Nordhafen Spandau . You can also take a car ferry across the Havel to Tegelort on the north side of the canal .

→ For further integration of the routes into the Berlin route network, see the corresponding chapter at Nordhafen Spandau .

The bridge area and the eastern part of the canal lie in the Rustwiesen, a heaped, former swamp area on the Havel, around 800 meters southeast of the former Teufelssees and today 's Teufelsbruch nature reserve and side moors in the Spandau Forest. Since the embedded peat layers of the so-called “rust” only have low load-bearing capacities and high subsidence , all the bridge bodies had to be deeply founded . “Injection bar piles with a diameter of 4 to 6 cm and an incline of up to 20 ° were used here. The substructures made of reinforced concrete were made in sheet piling boxes with underwater concrete floors that were closed during the construction period . "

Construction and data

Departure to the kinking north ramp

The bridge is divided into three parts: the cable-stayed bridge, north ramp and south ramp. The total length of the structure is 157 meters.

The central bridge over the canal is attached to a 24.00 m high A-pylon , which stands on the south bank, by means of four prefabricated solid steel rods using prestressed tension rods . It is designed as a 3 m wide steel trough in half-timbered construction and has a length of 67.59 m. The spans between the abutments and the pylon are 24 m and 42 m. The bridge bearings are combined push-pull bearings . The south ramp, built up as an earth dam, runs straight towards the bridge and reaches a length of 28.50 m. The north ramp runs approximately at right angles to the bridge axis and parallel to the canal bank. In its first part, which is 46.64 m long, it is also designed as a steel trough and elevated. The second section of the north ramp consists of a 11.55 m long reinforced concrete structure. A total of 89 t of steel was used. Since the Aalemann Canal Bridge is classified as not sensitive to vibrations, dynamic investigations and verifications of system stability were carried out.

Driveway to the poured south ramp

Summary overview:

  • Width of the bridge: 3.00 m
  • Length of the cable-stayed bridge: 67.59 m
  • Length of the poured south ramp: 28.50 m
  • Length of the elevated north ramp: 46.64 m
  • Length of the reinforced concrete north ramp: 11.55 m
  • Height of the load-bearing A-pylon: 24 m

The client was the Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development, the construction work was carried out by ARGE - TrappInfra Berlin GmbH and Heckmann GmbH, and the examination by Klähne Ingenieure GmbH. The planning was done by the König und Heunisch planning company, which received the “FahrradStadt Berlin” award from the Senator for Urban Development in 2011 for the design of the bridge.

Construction and costs

The construction time for the bridge was approximately 14 months. The two parts of the ramp were brought to the construction site by truck, and a mobile crane set them down on the substructure between rows of trees . The pylon and the two bridge components were transported by ship on the Havel and assembled by a 500 t crane . During the four assembly days, the Aalemann Canal was closed to shipping. On July 8, 2010, the Senator for Urban Development and Mayor Ingeborg Junge-Reyer opened the building to traffic in a ceremony.

The estimated costs for the canal bridge were 1.797 million euros, a final invoice is still pending (as of 2011). The funds are provided by the public budget . The main share of 90% is financed from GA funds (joint task to improve the regional economic structure), while the municipal contribution is 10%.

Web links

Commons : Aalemann Canal Bridge  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Senate Department for Urban Development. Havelseenweg.
  2. ^ VDSF LV Berlin-Brandenburg. The rust.  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.vdsfberlinbrandenburg.de
  3. a b c Jürgen Stritzke: Bridge in the German federal states. Introductory lecture to the 21st Dresden Bridge Construction Symposium at the TU Dresden, March 2009, p. 65 f.  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.tu-dresden.de
  4. a b Klähne engineers. Pedestrian and cycle bridge over the Aalemann Canal in Berlin-Spandau 2009–2010. ( Memento from January 10, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  5. Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment. Press box. Award "FahrradStadt Berlin". May 16, 2011.
  6. a b Senate Department for Urban Development. Press box. The last stage of the Berlin – Copenhagen long-distance cycle route in Berlin was completed. July 8, 2010.