Adventure with fix and fax - the flying present

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Original title Adventure with fix and fax - the flying present
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1999
length 6 minutes
Director Udo Lemke,
Ralf Kukula
script Jürgen Kieser ,
Udo Lemke
production Balance Film GmbH
music Dietrich Zöllner
cut Stefan Urlaß

Adventure with Fix and Fax - The Flying Gift is a German short animation film from 1999 .


The twins Fix and Fax get a plane from their cousin Fex. The first flight together literally goes into the water. But the jet drive also works in the lake. Back in the air, they run out of fuel and the mice are barely able to prevent a crash. When Fex carelessly sets the gas station on fire, Fix and Fax learn that such a fire cannot be extinguished with water.


The adventures of Fix and Fax in the pioneering magazine Atze were among the picture stories the longest-running GDR series ever. The stories drawn by Jürgen Kieser between 1958 and 1987 revolve around topics such as friendship, a thirst for adventure, helpfulness and courage and, to a certain extent, provide positive behavioral patterns in passing. Instead of the speech bubbles usual for comics, Kieser wrote bar texts in verse form.


Thanks to their simple basic geometric shapes and closed colors, the mice were suitable for children to draw and for animation. Stylized backgrounds and objects reduced to the essentials create a high recognition value. The aircraft themed in the film appears timeless.

The verse form of the picture stories is taken up as voiceover, so that lip-synchronous mouth movements could be dispensed with in the animation.

Except for a point-of-view shot from the cockpit of the aircraft, the film manages without any cinematic finesse and tries to do justice to the comprehension of a young audience.


Since the DEFA animation studio with its 250 employees in Dresden was closed at the beginning of the 1990s, there have been repeated attempts to revitalize the location. The founders of Balance Film GmbH Ralf Kukula and Thomas Claus, as well as parts of the staff, come from this tradition. The flying gift was produced as a pilot in a planned 13-part animated film series. For the first time in the new federal states, the professional animation computer system "Animo" was used, with which work processes could be partially automated. The final product was exposed onto 35 mm film .

The film was funded by the Saxon State Media Authority for private radio and new media with 145,000 DM and the Film Funding Agency with 22,000 DM.


The flying gift was premiered on March 20, 1999 in the Dresden Filmtheater Schauburg and subsequently shown repeatedly in the children's program of MDR television .

The film evaluation agency Wiesbaden awarded the film the rating valuable .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Gerd Lettkemann, Michael F. Scholz: After all, everyone is guilty ... MOSAIK Steinchen for Steinchen Verlag, Berlin 1994, ISBN 3-9803882-0-4 , p. 28 ff .
  2. Angela Stuhrberg: Of mice and humans . In: SAX Stadtmagazin UG (ed.): SAX . Dresden March 1999, p. 8 .
  3. a b Heinz K .: Of humans and mice . In: Dresdner Kulturmagazin . Medien Verlags GmbH Dresden, Dresden March 1999, p. 6 - 8 .
  4. ^ Mario Süssenguth: Pilot film with an airplane . In: Blitz! CITY Werbeverlags GmbH, Leipzig 1998.
  5. ^ Otto Alder: New German Animation - Adventures with Fix and Fax & The Young King Macius . In: animation . No. 17 , 1999, p. 90-91 .
  6. ^ André Schmidt: Adventure with Fix and Fax . In: Filmverband Sachsen e. V. (Ed.): Trigger . February 1998, p. 13 .
  7. program ARD de-ARD Play-Out-Center Potsdam, Potsdam Germany: Everything is trick. Adventure with fix and fax: the flying present. Retrieved August 2, 2019 .
  8. program ARD de-ARD Play-Out-Center Potsdam, Potsdam Germany: Adventure with fix and fax. Retrieved August 2, 2019 .
  9. Adventure with Fix and Fax - The flying present. In: FBW film review. Retrieved August 3, 2019 .