Abu Nasr Mansur

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Abū Nasr Mansūr ibn ʿAlī Ibn ʿIrāq ( Persian أبو نصر منصور بن علی بن عراق, DMG Abū Naṣr Manṣūr ibn ʿAlī Ibn ʿIrāq ); * approx. 960 in Gilan ( Khorezmia ); † around 1036 in Ghazni ( Afghanistan ), was a Persian mathematician and astronomer who was the first scientist to spherical sine law has proved

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Abu Nasr was a leading member (Prince) in Khorezm ruling family of Iraqiden that 995 of the dynasty of Khorezm-Shah had been replaced. As a student of the mathematician and astronomer Abu l-Wafa , who was well-known far beyond the borders of Persia at the time , Abu Nasr was fortunate enough to receive such a solid scientific education that he himself would later become a capacity for astronomy and mathematics Until 1016 he lived at the court of the Khorezm Shahs, near Khiwas in what is now Uzbekistan , he conducted a lively correspondence with other scholars in the region and was highly regarded. After another change of power 998 by Mahmud it drove him, probably as a prisoner Sultan Mahmud, with his student al-Biruni to Ghazni in the former Ghaznavid , where he pursued his research until his death.

An astronomical handbook with tables, which is to be regarded as his main work, has unfortunately been lost. What has been preserved, however, is his treatment of Menelaus' "Sphere" as well as several notes and studies on key issues in astronomy and mathematics. But he delivered his most important achievement with his contribution to the development of spherical trigonometry , in particular to his discovery of the sine law.

Great services he acquired during the years of training his pupil al-Biruni, probably as genialster scientists at the Oriental Middle Ages has to apply and with whom he was up to his death in a scientific contact.


  • Rasāʾil Abī-Naṣr Manṣūr ibn ʿIrāq ila al-Bīrūnī , Frānkfūrt, 1998
  • The sphere of Menelaus from Alexandria in the improvement of Abū Naṣr Manṣūr b. ʿAlī b. , Berlin: Weidmann, 1936


  • Max Krause : The sphere of Menelaus from Alexandria in the improvement of Abu Nasr Mansur b. 'Ali b. Iraq: With investigations into the history of the text among the Islamic mathematicians ; (Dissertation) Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt a. M .; 1997; ISBN 3-8298-4038-1



  1. a b c d François Charette: Mansur Ali ibn 'Iräq al-Jilani, Abu Nasr , Lexicon of Eminent Natural Scientists, 2007, Volume 2; Elsevier GmbH, Munich; Pp. 462-463; ISBN 3-8274-1883-6
  2. Abū Naṣr Manṣūr b. ʿIrāq. Brill , accessed on March 18, 2020 .
  3. J. Len Berggren: Ibn ʿIrāq: Abū Naṣr Manṣūr ibn ʿAlī ibn ʿIrāq. In: The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers. New York: Springer, 2007, pp. 557–558 , accessed on March 19, 2020 (English).