Adam Ciołkosz

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Adam Ciołkosz

Adam Ciołkosz (born January 5, 1901 in Krakow , † October 1, 1978 in London ) was a Polish soldier, publicist and politician for the Polish Socialist Party .


He grew up in Tarnów , where his father Kasper was a progressive agitator. After graduating from high school in Tarnow, he studied law at the Jagiellonian University . During his student days, Ciołkosz became a member of the socialist movement, but held on to the Catholic faith. Already at school and university he founded Christian scout groups, for example in Zakopane . In November 1918 he took part in the Polish-Ukrainian War in the Battle of Lviv , in 1919 he organized the scouts in Warmia and Mazury and fought in the Silesian Uprising .

In 1928 Ciołkosz was elected to the Sejm for the PPS . After his re-election in 1930, he was banned from working with many other members of the opposition because of his loud criticism of Marshal Pilsudski's Sanacja regime . He received a three-year prison sentence in the Brest fortress . After 1935 he opposed a popular front with the Polish communists in the party executive .

In exile in London from 1940 he was an active politician and in the PPS exile party in London as a tough anti-Stalinist. He maintained this attitude until his death and, in dealing with communism, developed his concept of democratic socialism , refusing a dialogue with the communists or a policy of détente. In addition, he led the quasi-government in exile , the executive of the National Council (EZN), from 1956 to 1959 and from 1963 to 1966. However, due to differences in the assessment of Gomulka , he and his wife were excluded from the PPS in 1960. He also co-edited the magazine Robotnik and translated Milovan Đilas ' Conversations with Stalin (1962). In 1976 he supported the KOR civil rights movement in Poland . His wife Lidia Ciołkoszowa died honored at the age of 99 in 2002.


  • Rose Luxemburg and the Russian Revolution , Paris 1961
  • Fight for the truth. The Choice of articles 1940-1978 , London 1983


  • Jan Zmigrodzki (ed.): Adam Ciolkosz: Polityk. Pisarz, Historyk Socjalizmu (Adam Ciolkosz: Writer, Politician, Historian of Socialism) , London 1972
  • M. Giełzak: Anticommunists of the left , Poznan 2014
  • Lilla Barbara Paszkiewicz: The Opposition to Communism in the Political Thought of The Exiled Democratic Socialist Adam Ciołkosz , 2018 online

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