Adam Joseph Schwank

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Adam Joseph Schwank (born January 18, 1820 in Fulda , † April 15, 1902 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a founder , freemason and legal scholar .


Joseph Adam Schwank was the son of the electoral Landkrankenhaus- Rentmeister's born Ignaz Schwank in Fulda. Between 1852 and 1865 he was a garrison auditor in Kassel, Fulda and Hanau. In 1871 he was an auditor in Naumburg and at that time lived in Wahlershausen . He was friends with Ferdinand Zwenger , the first editor of the magazine "Hessenland - Hessische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, Kultur und Literatur" and as a co-founder he published articles on regional and military history. In 1861 he became a member of the Masonic lodge "Socrates for steadfastness" in Frankfurt.

Foundation, endowment

Joseph Adam Schwank was actively involved in the revolution of 1848 . He was chairman of the Fulda gymnastics club founded in 1848 and, among other things, he was involved in the military committee of the People's Council. As a result, he experienced professional disadvantages and devoted himself more to his private library. He bequeathed these to the Fulda State Library in a donation agreement in 1886 . It is noteworthy that he did not hand over the collection "willingly" after his death, but for the most part during his lifetime. The total of 7366 volumes and 224 manuscripts are placed there separately from the library's holdings, as requested. The sometimes rare and valuable titles come from the areas of law, Hessian history and literature, Fuldensien and Freemasonry.


  • In the Edelzell district of Fulda, Joseph-Schwank-Straße is named after him.


  • Hartmut Broszinski : Bibliophilia in Kassel: Joseph Schwank (1820–1902) and his library. In: Rainer Olten: History brought to life . Kassel Association Friends of the City Museum Kassel, 2002, ISBN 3-928571-09-5 .
  • Michael Mott : Adam Joseph Schwank (1820-1902) / Finding truth, wisdom and consolation in works ; In: “Fulda Heads” or “People of Our Home” Volume II, Parzellers Buchverlag Fulda, 2011; ISBN 978-3-7900-0442-7 , pp. 32-34.
  • Nadine Hecht: Development, digitization and presentation of the estate of the Fulda legal scholar and Freemason Adam Joseph Schwank. A project outline. In: Fuldaer Geschichtsblätter Vol. 93 (2017), pp. 249–260.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Siegfried Lotze: Electorate Hessian Freemasons in Exile, Connubium and Commerce. A study of the bourgeoisie using the example of the network around the Habich family of manufacturers in the 19th century. Diss. Kassel 2012 (online as pdf)
  2. ^ Siegfried Lotze: Electorate Hessian Freemasons in Exile, Connubium and Commerce. A study of the bourgeoisie using the example of the network around the Habich family of manufacturers in the 19th century. Diss. Kassel 2012 (online as pdf)
  3. ^ University and State Library Fulda in the Fabian-Handbuch of the University of Göttingen
  4. ↑ Origin of street names on the website of the city of Fulda ( Memento from November 29, 2014 in the Internet Archive )