Adam Rifkin

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Adam Rifkin (2010)

Adam Rifkin (also Rif Coogan , born December 31, 1966 in Chicago , Illinois , USA ) is an American screenwriter , film director , producer and actor .


Rifkin began his career in the film business in 1989. He directed the comedy film Never on Tuesday , wrote the script and also took on a small role. Rifkin had previously starred in the comedy Adam Sandler's Love Boat in the same year , for which he also acted as co-producer.

Also in 1989 he made his second film, Tale of Two Sisters . As with his first film, he worked with the actors Peter Berg and Charlie Sheen . Rifkin later repeatedly used the latter in leading roles, thus helping to boost Sheen's career. Most of his work was produced by Oscar winner Brad Wyman , with whom he has a long friendship.

In 1996 he was involved as a director and writer on the television series Bone Chillers . He wrote and directed the films The Invisible Maniac and Psycho Cop Returns under the pseudonym Rif Coogan. In 2007 he delivered an unusual experiment with the feature film Look , in which only surveillance cameras were used. In 2010 he turned the material into a television series with the same title for the US broadcaster Showtime. In 2011 he was involved in the Wadzilla segment of the episode film Chillerama , a joint production with Joe Lynch, Tim Sullivan and Adam Green . On November 1, 2012, Showtime started again his 8-part television series Reality Show , a satire on the mechanisms of reality TV. Rifkin not only acts as a writer and director here, but also plays the lead role of the seedy TV producer Mickey Wagner.

Filmography (selection)

All three in one film
  • 2015: Shooting the Warwicks

Individual evidence

  1. Adam Rifkin: New TV series REALITY SHOW and a look at THE SHINING . . October 26, 2012. Retrieved October 26, 2012.

Web links