Adolf Faller

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Adolf Faller (born March 14, 1913 in Basel , † August 16, 1989 in Freiburg im Üechtland ; Catholic , resident in Basel) was a Swiss doctor , anatomist , medical historian and university professor .


Adolf Faller, son of businessman Hermann Faller, began after the visit to the school in Einsiedeln 1933, a philosophy and biology studies at the University of Leuven , then he saddled in Freiburg , Berlin , Munich and Basel on a medical degree to which he in 1940 with the acquisition the doctorate in Basel completed. Since his studies in Friborg he was a member of the student union AV Fryburgia in the Swiss student association .

He then worked as an assistant until 1944, and a year later he qualified as a professor in anatomy, histology and embryology . Appointed associate professor in 1946, he finally worked from 1949 to 1978 as full professor and director of the Anatomical Institute at the University of Freiburg.

Adolf Faller, who had been married to the French Marie-Jeanne born Ginsonie d'Arches since 1949, died on August 16, 1989 at the age of 76 in Freiburg.


Adolf Faller was a valued academic teacher. He published on morphological , historical and ethical problems. In addition, he made special contributions to research on Niels Stensen . His textbook The Human Body was published in large numbers and translated into many languages; Since 1995 it has been continued by Michael Schünke and his wife Gabriele Schünke.



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Individual evidence

  1. Niklaus Duss (Ed.): Fryburgia 1918–1993 , Freiburg i.Ue., 1993, p. 84.