Adolf Glatz

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Adolf Glatz (born October 28, 1841 in Basel ; † August 14, 1926 in Wängi ) was a Swiss educator and founder of the Realschülerturnverein Basel (RTV) and the FC Old Boys Basel .


Adolf Glatz was born on October 28, 1841 as the son of the teacher Peter Glatz and Elisabeth, née Gysi, in Basel. First, Glatz completed an apprenticeship as a designer . At the age of 21 he entered the Schiers teacher training college . He then worked as a gymnastics teacher at the Grandchamp seminar in the Boudry community and in the Zurich orphanage . Glatz last worked from 1869 to 1914 as a gymnastics teacher at the Upper Realschule Basel and as head of specialist courses for the training of gymnastics teachers. In addition, he was a member of the citizens' gymnastics club from 1859, later a gymnast and artistic gymnast .

Adolf Glatz, who married Karolina, née Bosshart, in 1870, died on August 14, 1926 at the age of 84 in Wängi.


Adolf Glatz founded the Realschülerturnverein Basel (RTV) in 1879. In 1890 he introduced the soccer game into the gymnastics business of the secondary school. In 1894 he founded the Old Boys football club with old RTV members . At Glatz's suggestion, gymnastics, which had previously been voluntary, was included in the curriculum for student teachers. Adolf Glatz saw himself as an educator who wanted to promote the good in people through gymnastics, games, hiking and singing. Until 1913, "Papa Glatz" , as he was affectionately known, was active for RTV.


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