Adolf Scherbaum (trumpeter)

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Adolf Scherbaum, 1967

Adolf Scherbaum (born August 23, 1909 in Eger / Bohemia ; † August 2, 2000 in Heilsbronn ) was a trumpeter . Scherbaum mainly played the high piccolo trumpet .


Scherbaum studied in Prague and Vienna with Franz Dengler . His first activity as principal trumpeter at the State Theater in Brno was followed by engagements under Joseph Keilberth at the German Philharmonic in Prague and with the Berlin Philharmonic under Wilhelm Furtwängler . After the turmoil of the war, Scherbaum received a professorship at the Musikhochschule in Preßburg in Czechoslovakia, before he legally left for the Federal Republic and joined the Northwest German Broadcasting Corporation in Hamburg. 1964–1977 he was professor for trumpet at the Musikhochschule in Saarbrücken .



Scherbaum is said to achieve a particularly high breath pressure .

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Individual evidence

  1. Air pressure, "2.2" bar - it remains unclear whether it is only an indication of the absolute pressure.