Adventures of Power

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German title Adventures of Power
Original title Adventures of Power
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2008
length 90 minutes
Age rating FSK 6
Director Ari gold
script Ari gold
production Andrea Sperling
music Ethane gold
camera Lisa Wiegand
cut Geraud Brisson

Adventures of Power is a 2008 American comedy film directed by Ari Gold .


The young Power and his father Harlan work in a US copper mine near the Mexican border. Power, who lives with his aunt Joni, has completely different interests. He lives in his own little world where everything revolves around the air drums. In every free second he drums on his imaginary drum kit. Since the greedy mine owner Dick Houston is unwilling to pay his miners higher wages, all workers go on strike. Power is released shortly before.

Power becomes aware of an air drums competition in a Mexican village just 40 miles away. There the air drums instructor Carlos from Newark notices him and gives him his business card. With his dream in mind, he hitchhikes to Newark and joins the Jersey Krew. Carlos is preparing his team for the big air drums championship, which will also include Dick Houston's son Dallas. Dallas is a celebrated pop star, but the championship is just a pastime for him.

Power meets the deaf Annie and they both fall in love. Annie, who became deaf as a small child at a rock concert because of the loud music, supports Power in every way and gives him a whole new feel for music. In the championship, the "Jersey Krew" made it to the final against Dallas Houston. Since his band members are all disqualified, Power now has to prove that he is the real master. With the last of his strength and despite Dallas' sabotage attempts, he manages and falls overjoyed into Annie's arms. His father, who was very critical of this hobby, is now very proud of his son.


“A completely bizarre, but never drifting pastiche of the American dream - underlaid with a terrific 80s soundtrack. Cult!."


“Apparently there is not only one scene for air guitarists, but also one for air drummers. At least that's what this good-humored US cinema comedy claims frankly and cheekily and thus follows the tried-and-tested principle of celebrating antihero triumphs against the background of the most abstruse competitions possible, like many a recent laugh. Jon Heder, as "Napoleon Dynamite" a master of this trade, will have to adjust to competition, because author, star and director Ari Gold uses the same nerd cliché quite accurately. Cult suspect. "


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Adventures of Power
  2. Adventures of Power ( Memento from December 8, 2015 in the Internet Archive )