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Aeromonas hydrophila

Aeromonas hydrophila

Domain : Bacteria (bacteria)
Department : Proteobacteria
Class : Gammaproteobacteria
Order : Aeromonadales
Scientific name
Martin-Carnahan & Joseph , 2005

The Aeromonadales are an order of the Gammaproteobacteria that consists of two families, the Aeromonadaceae and Succinivibrionaceae. They are rod-shaped, gram-negative bacteria. Curved rods also occur, as in the genus Succinivibrio . Species of the Aeromonadaceae are facultatively anaerobic , they can also live in the absence of oxygen. The species of the Succinivibrionaceae are mostly anaerobic, they do not tolerate oxygen.

Features and ecology

Some species of this order are motile by a polar flagella , others are immobile (e.g. Ruminobacter of the Succinivibrionaceae). Species of the Aeromonadaceae family are widespread and occur in sea, fresh, or brackish water. Different types of Aeromonas are psychrophilic (cold-loving), so the type Aeromonas salmonicida still shows growth at 2 ° C.

The Succinivibrionaceae produce succinate in the anaerobic metabolism through fermentation (fermentation) . One speaks here of succinogenic bacteria and succinate fermentation . Other end products of fermentation are acetate and formate . Species of the Succinivibrionaceae are often rumen inhabitants . Ruminobacter and succinimonas , for example, are found in the rumen of cattle. Anerobiospirillum has been found in the feces of dogs and cats.

Pathogenic representatives

Some pathogens to humans and various animal species such as fish and frogs can be found in the Aeromonadales. Aeromonas salmonicida , first described as Bacterium salmonicida at the end of the 19th century, is pathogenic for fish and the cause of furunculosis , an infectious disease that occurs in various trout fish . Achromobacter hydrophila is a pathogen in frogs, but it can also be dangerous for humans.

Anaerobiospirillum thomasii (Succinivibrionaceae) is pathogenic to humans and causes diarrhea. Various species of Aeromonas , particularly A. hydrophila and A. sobria , are also pathogenic to humans. Aeromonas can cause wound infections and blood poisoning ( sepsis ) . Aeromonas hydrophila is a cause of diarrhea and intestinal gastric inflammation (diarrhea) and ( gastroenteritis considered), but is the subject under discussion and is still not fully understood.


In January 2019 the families Aeromonadaceae and Succinivibrionaceae with the following genera were placed in the order Aeromonadales:

  • Aeromonas Stanier 1943
  • Oceanimonas corrig. Brown et al. 2001 emend. Ivanova et al. 2005
  • Oceanisphaera Romanenko, et al. 2003 emend. Srinivas et al. 2012 emend. Xu et al. 2014
  • Pseudaeromonas Padakandla and Chae 2017
  • Tolumonas Fischer-Romero et al. 1996 emend. Caldwell et al. 2011
  • Zobellella Lin & Shieh 2006 emend. Yi et al. 2011


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d George M. Garrity (Ed.): Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology . 2nd edition, Volume 2: The Proteobacteria. Part B: The Gammaproteobacteria . Springer, New York 2005, ISBN 0-387-95040-0 .
  2. JJ Farmer III, MJ Arduino, FW Hickman-Brenner: The Genera Aeromonas and Plesiomonas . In: Martin Dworkin et al. (Ed.) The Prokaryotes. A Handbook of the Biology of Bacteria . Volume 6: Proteobacteria. 3rd edition, Springer, New York 2006, ISBN 0-387-30746-X .
  3. ^ Jean Euzéby, Aidan C. Parte: Order Aeromonadales. In: List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature ( LPSN ). Retrieved January 24, 2019 .


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