Agasthenes (King of Elis)

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Agasthenes ( Greek  Ἀγασθένης ) was in Greek mythology the son of Augias and his successor on the throne of the kingdom of Elis in the Peloponnese . The rule was divided between Amphimachus , Thalpios and Agasthenes. With his wife Peloris he had the son Polyxenus , who was one of Helena's suitors and therefore took part in the Trojan War . After returning from Troy , he reunited the kingdom.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Pausanias , Description of Greece 5, 3, 3.
  2. Homer , Iliad 2, 624; Hyginus , Fabulae 97; Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 10, 8, 2.