Agnes Debrit-Vogel

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Agnes Debrit-Vogel (born January 3, 1892 in Bern , † May 23, 1974 there , entitled to live in Geneva , Morges and Tolochenaz ) was a chronicler of the Swiss women's movement.


After training as a primary school teacher, Agnes Vogel studied philology in Bern and Geneva . In 1921 she received her doctorate on the poems of Walther von der Vogelweide . She was married to the journalist Jean Debrit, mother of a son and worked as a journalist.


In the service of the Swiss women's movement and women's rights to vote and suffrage , she wrote speaker guides, commemorative publications, congress and travel reports. From 1924 to 1948 she edited the women's newspaper Berna . Debrit-Vogel wrote articles in the yearbook of Swiss women , in Le mouvement féministe and in the Swiss teacher newspaper . She worked on the biographical collection Women in Action , which portrayed 45 women from the 17th to 19th centuries. In addition, together with her colleague Gertrud Lüthardt, she collected over a thousand articles and photographs of Swiss women. The collection provided a basis for today's archive on the history of the Swiss women's movement (AGoF - Archive Gosteli Foundation).

From 1928 to 1934 Debrit-Vogel sat on the board of the Swiss Association for Women's Suffrage. In 1923 she was a founding member of the Association of Bernese Women Academics. She works with the Saffa in 1928 and 1958. During the Second World War , she worked in the civilian women's aid service FHD . From 1938 to 1956 she headed the umbrella organization Bund Schweizerischer Frauenvereine (BSF), after which she presided over the Bernese Women's Association (today: Women's Headquarters) from 1959 to 1966.



  • Speaker leader. Edited by Action committee for the petition concerning the introduction of women's suffrage in Switzerland. Bern 1929.
  • Swiss Association for Women's Suffrage, Association suisse pour le Suffrage féminin: 1909–1934. Basel 1934.
  • The Bernese woman in the past. (Red.) Bern 1941.
  • 25 years of the Bernese Women's Association, 1920-1945 , Bern 1945.
  • Alliance de Sociétés féminines suisses, 1900–1950. 1950.
  • West indies. Bern 1969.


  • Regula Ludi: Agnes Debrit-Vogel. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  • Schweizer Frauenblatt , No. 6, 1974.
  • Forgotten story. Illustrated chronicle of the women's movement: 1914–1963. Bern 2000/2002.
  • Franziska Rogger: Give the Swiss women their story , Zurich 2015.