Agostino Marchetto

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Agostino Marchetto, 2016

Agostino Marchetto (born August 28, 1940 in Vicenza , Italy ) is a Curia Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church .


After studying Catholic theology and philosophy , Marchetto received the sacrament of ordination on June 28, 1964 . Since 1968 he worked in the diplomatic service of the Vatican , including in Zambia , Cuba , Algeria and Mozambique .

On 31 August 1985 it appointed Pope John Paul II. To Titular Archbishop of Astigi and ordered him to the Pro-Nuncio in Madagascar and Mauritius . On November 1, 1985, Cardinal Sebastiano Baggio donated him the episcopal ordination ; Bishops Arnoldo Onisto and Carlo Fanton were co-consecrators . On December 7, 1990 , he was transferred to Tanzania as Pro-Nuncio , and on May 18, 1994, he became Apostolic Nuncio in Belarus .

Pope John Paul II called him on July 8, 1999 as permanent observer at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in Rome and on November 6, 2001 appointed him secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and People on the Move . 2010 was his age-related resignation by Pope Benedict XVI. granted.

Marchetto is considered one of the most important analysts of the 2nd Vatican Council . Marchetto is a representative of the line of interpretation that Benedict XVI. referred to as "renewal in the continuity of the single church". In this sense, he repeatedly attacked the left-liberal theological school of Bologna around Giuseppe Alberigo with sharp dialectics . On October 7, 2013, Pope Francis wrote him a detailed letter. In it, he described Marchetto as "the best hermeneutic of the Second Vatican Council".

Agostino Marchetto was considered an uncomfortable warning in his office as "Immigration Minister" of the Roman Curia. He loudly lamented the way the French government of President Nicolas Sarkozy dealt with Roma from Romania and Bulgaria, as well as the Italian government of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in efforts to combat illegal immigration. On the other hand, he was praised for his commitment by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees .


  • The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. A Counterpoint for the History of the Council. Translation: Kenneth D. Whitehead, University of Scranton Press 2009, ISBN 978-1-58966196-7 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Giuseppe Nardi: "School of Bologna" betrayed by "their" Pope? - Pope Francis praises “the best hermeneutic of the council”. November 15, 2013, accessed January 1, 2014 .
  2. ^ Critic of Italy's immigration policy in the Vatican resigns , NZZ, September 1, 2010
  3. ^ A campaign against the immigrants , FAZ, July 13, 2009