Ahe stands as a place name for:
in Niedersachsen:
- Ahe (Beverstedt) , a district of Beverstedt
- Ahe (Hoyershausen) , a district of Hoyershausen
- Ahe (Kirchwistedt) , a district of Beverstedt
- Ahe (Neuenkirchen-Vörden) , a district of Neuenkirchen-Vörden
- Ahe (Rinteln) , a Weser village, district of Rinteln
In North Rhine-Westphalia
- Ahe (Bergheim) , a district of Bergheim,
- Ahe (Halver) , a district of Halver,
- Ahe (Kirchhundem) , a place in the municipality of Kirchhundem,
- Ahe (Wipperfürth) , a district of Wipperfürth,
- Ahe (Ruppichteroth) , a district of Ruppichteroth.
in French Polynesia
Ahe stands as a water body name for:
- Ahe (Else) (GKZ: 276662), right tributary of the Else (Lenne) in North Rhine-Westphalia
- Ahe (Erwitte) , tributary of the Trotsbach , North Rhine-Westphalia
- Ahe (Olpe) , tributary of the Olpe in Olpe, North Rhine-Westphalia
- Ahe (Wümme) , tributary of the Wümme near Rotenburg, Lower Saxony
Ahe stands as a landscape name for:
- Ahe (Tuamotu) , an atoll in the Tuamotu Archipelago in the Pacific, French Polynesia
Ahe is a family name for:
- Antje von der Ahe (* 1970), German actress, singer (mezzo-soprano) and voice actress
- Benjamin von der Ahe (* 1976), German politician (Bündnis 90 / DIE GRÜNEN).
- Chris von der Ahe (1851-1913), German-American entrepreneur and owner of a baseball team in St. Louis
- Jacobus von der Ahe († 1580), Council Secretary of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck
- Lina von der Ahe (* 1997), German dubbing and radio play speaker
AHE is an abbreviation for:
- Acta Historico-ecclesiastica
- AHE, IATA code for the airport in French Polynesia, see Tuamotu Archipelago
- active handling experiment
- American Health Enterprises
- American home entertainment
- Association for Heterodox Economics
- Association of Hispanic Entrepreneurs
- Aproveitamento Hidrelétrica, hydroelectric use Belo Monte, see Belo Monte hydropower project