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Aihui ( Chinese  愛輝 區  /  爱辉 区 , Pinyin Àihuī Qū ) is a municipality in the district-free city of Heihe in the northeast Chinese province of Heilongjiang . It is located on the right bank of the Heilong Jiang River , has an area of ​​14,443 km² and a population of around 210,000 (end of 2010). Aihui is the seat of the city government of Heihe and the economic and political center of the city. The greater community of Aihui, located in the city district, is better known outside of China by its historical name Aigun . Here the Treaty of Aigun between Russia and China was signed in 1858 , in which Russia forced China to cede large parts of Manchuria to the Tsarist Empire.

Administrative structure

At the community level, Aihui consists of four street districts , three large communities , five communities and three nationality communities. These are:

Hailan Street District (海兰 街道);
Road quarter Hinggan (兴安街道);
Huayuan Street District (花园 街道);
Xixing Street (西 兴 街道);
Greater community Aihui (爱辉镇);
Greater community Handaqi (罕达汽镇);
Greater community Xigangzi (西岗子镇);
Erzhan municipality (二 站 乡);
Community Shangmachang (上马厂乡);
Community Xifengshan (西峰山乡);
Xingfu Township (幸福 乡);
Community Zhangdiyingzi (张地营子乡);
Community Kunhe the Daur and Manju (坤河达斡尔族满族乡);
Community Sijiazi of Manju (四嘉子满族乡);
Community Xinsheng the Oroqen (新生鄂伦春族乡).

There are also three state coal mines, twelve state forests, a state timber warehouse, a state farm, two state seed breeding companies and a state breeding cattle station.

Web links

Coordinates: 50 ° 12 ′ 0 ″  N , 127 ° 30 ′ 0 ″  E