Accessory sex gland

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As accessory sex glands (from latin accedere "to contact") refers to glands that along the genital tract are formed. They should therefore be mentioned in addition to the actual sex glands ( testicles and ovaries ).

Male mammals

Overview orientation: anatomy of the male small pelvis in sagittal section
Prostate with seminal vesicles , glandula vesiculosa and seminal ducts, ductus seminalis seen from the front and above.

In the case of male mammals (including men), there are basically four accessory sex glands, although not all of them are formed in every species:

The ducts of these glands open into the vas deferens (vas deferens ampoule) or into the pelvic part of the urethra (others).


In male mammals , their secretion forms the seminal plasma , which together with the sperm of the testicle forms the sperm (ejaculate). The seminal plasma serves to nourish the sperm and act as a transport medium. The exact meaning of individual parts is still unknown. This is also difficult because the composition of the secretions differs greatly depending on the animal species, and individual glands are even completely absent in some species. Variations depending on the season, diet, etc. are also described. In addition, sperm without the addition of seminal plasma are in principle capable of fertilization.

The secretion of the glands contains among other things

Female mammals

In female mammals (including women), glands are formed in the area of ​​the vaginal vestibule :

The Bartholin's gland is equated with the bulbourethral gland , the paraurethral gland with the prostate of the male.


  • Uwe Gille: urinary and sexual system, urogenital apparatus. In: Franz-Viktor Salomon, Winnie Achilles (ed.): Anatomy for veterinary medicine . 2nd, expanded edition. Enke, Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-8304-1075-1 , pp. 389–403 (884 p., Limited preview in Google Book search).