Alain III. (Brittany)

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Alain III. (* 997 ; † October 1, 1040 in Vimoutiers in Normandy ) was Duke of Brittany and, as a descendant of the Breton King Erispoe , gained his title. He was the son and successor of Gottfried I (Geoffroy Béranger) and the Hawise (Havoise) of Normandy.

Alain married Bertha von Blois († 11/13 April 1085 ), daughter of Count Odo II of Blois , in 1018 . Both children were Alain's successor Conan II and the daughter Hawise (Havoise), who was the mother of the future Duke Alain IV Fergent .

Alain waged war against Count Fulko III. Nerra of Anjou , later against Duke Robert I of Normandy . The relationship with Duke Robert improved so much that when he set out on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1035 , he gave him the reign in Normandy for his then eight-year-old son Wilhelm II . Around the year 1030 he founded the Abbey of Saint-Georges near Rennes , whose first abbess was his sister Adele. In 1034 he established the county of Penthièvre for his brother Odo . Alain III. intervened in Normandy in favor of the young Duke Wilhelm when he was threatened by the Norman nobility. However, he was poisoned on this campaign and buried next to the first Dukes of Normandy in the church of the Trinity Monastery in Fécamp .


  • Patrick André et al. (Ed.): Dictionnaire d'histoire de Bretagne. Skol Vreizh, Morlaix 2008, ISBN 978-2-915623-45-1 .
  • André Chédeville, Noël-Yves Tonnerre: La Bretagne féodale. XIe-XIIIe siècle (= Université. ). Ouest-France, Rennes 1987, ISBN 2-7373-0014-2 .
  • Arthur de La Borderie, Barthélemy Pocquet: Histoire de la Bretagne. 6 volumes. Editions régionales de l'Ouest et al., Mayenne 1998, ISBN 2-85554-089-5 , (especially vol. 3).
  • Arthur de La Borderie (ed.): Recueil d'actes inédits des Ducs et princes de Bretagne. (XIe, XIIe, XIIIe siècles). Catel, Rennes 1888, ( digitized version ).
  • Arthur de La Borderie (ed.): Nouveau recueil d'actes inédits des ducs et princes de Bretagne XIIIe et XIVe siècles. Impr. Eug. Prost, Rennes 1902, ( digitized version ).
predecessor Office successor
Gottfried I. Duke of Brittany
Conan II.