Therese Elßler

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Therese Elßler

Therese Elßler (born April 5, 1808 in Gumpendorf in Vienna , † November 19, 1878 in Meran ) was a dancer. She was the wife of Admiral Prince Adalbert of Prussia since 1850 .

Restitution tombstone for Adalbert and Therese v. Barnim at the Invalidenfriedhof Berlin (status 2013)

The sisters Therese and Fanny Elßler were both dancers, the former born in 1808, the latter in 1810, both in the Vienna suburb of Gumpendorf. They received their first lessons from Horschelt 's children's ballet in the Theater an der Wien , danced on the stage of the Theater am Kärntnertor from 1817 to 1825 and then continued their ballet training in Naples .

They celebrated their first great triumphs in Berlin in 1830. After they had caused a sensation through their art and amiable appearance in the first capitals of Europe and in 1841 also in America and had acquired considerable wealth, they left the stage.

Fanny last performed in Vienna in 1851, then lived on an estate in Hamburg and moved to Vienna in 1854.

Therese married Prince Adalbert of Prussia on April 20, 1850 in a morganatic marriage and was raised to Baroness von Barnim by King Friedrich Wilhelm IV . She lived as a widow in (Bad) Homburg vor der Höhe from 1873, but died on November 19, 1878 in Meran and was transferred to Berlin. There she was buried under the name Therese von Barnim in the Invalidenfriedhof . Her grave was restored and given a new tombstone.


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