Albanian barbel

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Albanian barbel
without rank: Otophysa
Order : Carp-like (Cypriniformes)
Subordination : Carp fish-like (Cyprinoidei)
Family : Carp fish (Cyprinidae)
Genre : Barbus
Type : Albanian barbel
Scientific name
Barbus albanicus
Steindachner , 1870

The Albanische bar ( Barbus albanicus ) is an on parts of the Balkan Peninsula endemic occurring carp fish .


The Albanian barbel has four barbels which are arranged around the mouth below. It has 49-52 scales along the sidelines . The lower part of the dorsal fin ray is slightly serrated. The largest specimen caught so far weighed three kilograms and was 60 centimeters long.


Despite its name, Barbus albanicus is not found in Albania , but in the rivers of western Greece . Barbus albanicus occurs in the Mornos and Thyamis rivers and in the Amvrakia, Ioannina and Trichonida lakes, but is absent from the Acheron . It occurs in the Pineios River in the Peloponnese .

Way of life

The natural habitat of Barbus albanicus are lakes, reservoirs and the lower reaches of rivers with sandy or muddy bottoms. Young fish occur in large schools that are often found in brackish water or in docks. Adult specimens prefer to live as solitary animals in fresh water. B. albanicus is omnivorous , feeds on both detritus and insect larvae, other benthic small animals and algae. The spawning season takes place from May to July. The fish become sexually mature at the age of three to four years, they can reach a maximum age of 14 years.

Economical meaning

The economic importance and the fishing use of the species is low.

Endangerment status

According to the IUCN , the population of Barbus albanicus is currently not considered endangered.


  • Peter S. Maitland: The Kosmos Fish Guide. Kosmos Franck, Stuttgart 1977, ISBN 3-440-04468-8

Web links

Notes and individual references

  1. Peter S. Maitland: Der Kosmos Fischführer, Kosmos Franck, Stuttgart 1977, ISBN 3-440-04468-8
  2. Fishing World Records ( Memento from January 11, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  3. ^ IUCN Red List: Luciobarbus albanicus