Italian barbel

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Italian barbel
Italian barbel caught with maggots

Italian barbel caught with maggots

without rank: Otophysa
Order : Carp-like (Cypriniformes)
Subordination : Carp fish-like (Cyprinoidei)
Family : Carp fish (Cyprinidae)
Genre : Barbus
Type : Italian barbel
Scientific name
Barbus tyberinus
( Bonaparte , 1839)

The Italian barbel ( Barbus tyberinus ), engl. Italian barbel or Horse barbel, in Italian Barbo tiberino, is a species of barbel that is endemic only in Italy .

Italian barbel (young fish)


The Italian barbel is found in the waters that flow into the Tyrrhenian Sea and Adriatic Sea. They can be found from the Essino rivers in the north to Ofanto in the south, in Lake Fucin , in the Arno , Tiber , Topino , Ombrone , Albegna , Fiora and Bruna rivers .


Barbus tyberinus has the typical shape of the barbel , the body and fins are dotted black. The Italian barbel becomes a maximum of 60 centimeters long with a weight of four kilograms.

Way of life

The Italian barbel inhabits both lowland and mountain rivers (so-called Piedemonte rivers and streams) and prefers to stay in fast-flowing water over gravel. Their habitat includes both permanent flowing waters and those that only periodically carry water. Like the chub, it is considered a pioneer species in colonizing new habitats. The optimal water temperature is found in the range of 10 to 22 ° C. Barbus tyberinus can also survive in extreme environmental conditions in terms of water flow and temperature.

Economical meaning

Because of its tasty meat, the Italian barbel has long been an integral part of the cuisine in Tuscany , Umbria and Latium .

Endangerment status

Despite widespread distribution, the species population is endangered and declining. This is caused by hydraulic engineering measures and hybridization with other species such as the introduced river barbel ( Barbus barbus ) and the Tiber barbel ( Barbus plebejus ).


  • M. Kottelat and J. Freyhof: Handbook of European Freshwater Fishes, Publications Kottelat, Cornol, Switzerland, 2007
  • PG Bianco and V. Ketmaier: Anthropogenic changes in the freshwater fish fauna in Italy with reference to the central region and Barbus graellsii, a newly established alien species of Iberian origin. Journal of Fish Biology 59, 2001
  • M. Puzelli: Morfologia e biologia del barbo, Barbus tyberinus, nella Provincia di Avellino, Master Thesis, University of Naples, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Zoology, 2003
  • L. Tancioni, F. Baldari., I. Ferrante, M. Scardi and L. Mancini: Aspects of reproductive biology of the barbel Barbus tyberinus (Bonaparte, 1839) in River Tiber, [in Italian with an abstract in English], Quaderni ETP 30, 2001

Web links

Notes and individual references

  1. until it was drained in 1875
  2. a b Italian barbel on (English)
  3. a b c d
  4. a b