Albert de Brudzewo

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Albert Blar, called Brudzewski

Albert Blar von Brudzewo ( Polish Wojciech Brudzewski , lat. De Brudzewo ) (* 1445 in Brudzewo near Kalisz , † 1497 in Vilnius ) was a Polish astronomer and mathematician .

Albert Blar de Brudzewo was trained at the Charles University in Prague and taught as a professor at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow for twenty years . His study material was Peuerbach's theory of the planets and Regiomontanus ' astronomical tables . Blar gave his last astronomical courses in Krakow in 1490 . His most prominent student was the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus , who began his studies after 1490, at a time when Blar only taught Aristotle . It is considered possible that Copernicus had private discussions with Blar, as Blar was in close contact with the students as the head of the student dormitory known as Bursa Hungarorum .

Albert Blar left Kraków in 1494 and went to Vilnius as secretary to Grand Duke Alexander of Lithuania , who later became King of Poland .

For the origin see also: Brause (noble family)


  • Moritz Benedikt Cantor: Lectures on the History of Mathematics, Volume 2 , BG Teubner, Leipzig, 1900; P. 253 online
  • Rudolf Wolf: History of Astronomy , R. Oldenbourg, Munich, 1877; P. 223 online
  • Felix Müller, time tables on the history of mathematics, physics and astronomy up to 1500, with reference to the source literature , BG Teubner, Leipzig, 1892; P. 90 online

Web links

Commons : Albert Brudzewski  - collection of images, videos and audio files