Albert Henrich

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Albert Henrich (born June 19, 1899 in Düsseldorf ; † May 5, 1971 there ) was a German still life , landscape and portrait painter of the Düsseldorf School and the New Objectivity .


Interrupted by military service in World War I , Henrich studied from 1913 to 1919 at the Düsseldorf Art Academy under Adolf Maennchen , Carl Ederer , Willy Spatz and Ludwig Keller . He went on study trips to North Africa, Italy, Spain, southern France and Greece and was a member of the "Gilde 1919" and the "Niederrhein Group". For his painting he received the Dürer Prize of the City of Nuremberg in 1931 and the Cornelius Prize of the City of Düsseldorf in 1942 . Later he was for many years chairman of the Düsseldorf “Künstlergruppe 1949”, of which he was one of the founders. He was friends with the painter Carl Cohnen .

Exhibitions (selection)


  • Ulrich Krempel (Ed.): In the beginning: The young Rhineland. On the art and contemporary history of a region 1918–1945 . Exhibition catalog Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Claassen, Düsseldorf 1985, ISBN 3-546-47771-5 , p. 327.
  • Cultural Office of the City of Vienna: New Objectivity and Realism. Art between the wars . Vienna 1977, p. 195.
  • Uwe M. Schneede : Realism between revolution and seizure of power, 1919–1933 . Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart 1971, p. 80.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Museum Kunstpalast : Artists of the Düsseldorf School of Painting (selection, as of November 2016), (PDF)