Albert Lemeier

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Albert Lemeier

Albert Lemeier also: Lehmeier, Lemeiger, Lehenmeier, Lemeyer, Leminger (* around 1530 in Hamburg ; † April 30, 1595 ibid) was a German rhetorician and moral philosopher .


Nothing is known about Lemeier's origins. Perhaps he was a student at the Johanneum School of Scholars . Only one brother named Johannes is known. Lemeier himself enrolled on June 28, 1550 at the University of Wittenberg , on August 1, 1552 he was also entered in the register of the University of Rostock. In Wittenberg he first completed a degree in philosophical sciences, where Philipp Melanchthon became his formative teacher. On July 31, 1554 he obtained his master's degree in philosophy and on October 18, 1556, he was accepted as a lecturer in the philosophy faculty of the Wittenberg University. He found his new apartment in the Wittenberg Lutherhaus . On April 8, 1561 he became professor of rhetoric at the Wittenberg University and in 1574 switched to the chair of dialectics and ethics.

He also participated in the organizational tasks of the alma mater. In the winter semester 1564/65 and in the winter semester 1571/72 he was dean of the philosophical faculty, and in the winter semester 1570/71 rector of the university . Since he refused to put his signature on the Saxon Agreement formula in 1580 , he was dismissed from his post. He moved to his hometown, where he got a position as Senate Secretary in 1581. In this capacity he was active in negotiations in Stade in 1587 and was present in Itzehoe in 1588 . On February 21, 1588 he became a Hamburg councilor and when the tower of St. Nicholas' Church was ignited by a thunderstorm in 1589 , he campaigned for its restoration.

Lemeier had been married twice. His first marriage was with a woman from Hamburg named Katharina († January 12, 1569 in Wittenberg). In 1570 he got a second marriage in Hamburg with Sophia Besteborstel, the daughter of Hamburg councilor Diedrich (Theodor) Besteborstel. From the children we know:

  • Joachim Lemeier (born July 13, 1561 in Wittenberg,)
  • Albert Lemeier (born September 5, 1562 in Wittenberg, registered October 18, 1570 UWB)
  • Daniel Lemeier (born November 23, 1563 in Wittenberg, enrolled October 18, 1570 UWB)
  • Johannes Lemeier (born March 25, 1565 in Wittenberg; † January 30, 1566 ibid.)
  • Anna Lemeier (born January 2, 1567 in Wittenberg; † April 14, 1567 ibid.)
  • Katharina Lemeier (* February 20, 1568 in Wittenberg; † June 28, 1568 ibid.)
  • Theoderich Lemeier (born March 28, 1576 in Wittenberg)


  • Oratio de studio et cura recte dicendi May 5, 1561, recit. cum explicationem rhetorices auspicaretur. In: Declamationum Melanchtonianarum. Wittenberg 1565, 7th vol. P. 543 and 566
  • Oratio continens Commonefactionem de discipllna scholastica d. 20th Mart. 1565 recitiata. In: Declamationum Melanchtonianarum. Vol. 7 pp. 960-976
  • Oratio de historia exilii Babylonici. Wittenberg 1572 also in: Declamationum scholae Melanchtonis. Zerbst, 1586, vol. 7, p. 128 f.
  • Programmata plurima ad praelectiones suas, partim philosophicas, partim oralorias, invitatoria from 1559-1570 Witebergae proposita. In: Scriptorum Witebergae publice affixorum. T. 4. 5. 6 and 7, In: Judicia de Autoribus variis ex istis excerpta in Gregorii Richteri judiciis scholae Melanchtonianae. Wittenberg 1592, pp. 53, 118, 119, 141, sqq. 150, sqq. 153, sqq. 156, 159, 160, 163, 164, 166, 168, 171, 172, 174, 712-715, 720,
  • Dictata in dialecticam Philippi (Melanchthonis). Wittenberg 1571


  • Hans Schröder, FA Cropp, CRW Klose: Lexicon of Hamburg writers up to the present. Association for Hamburg History, Hamburg, 1866, 4th vol., P. 420, no. 2220
  • Christian Gottlieb Jöcher : General Scholar Lexicon, Darinne the scholars of all classes, both male and female, who lived from the beginning of the world to the present day, and made themselves known to the learned world, After their birth, life, remarkable stories, Withdrawals and writings from the most credible scribes are described in alphabetical order. Verlag Johann Friedrich Gleditsch , Leipzig, 1750, 2nd vol., Sp. 2357 ( online )
  • Johann Christoph Adelung ; Heinrich Wilhelm Rotermund : Continuations and additions to Christian Gottlieb Jöcher's general scholarly lexico, in which the writers of all classes are described according to their most distinguished living conditions and writings. Georg Jöntzen, Delmenhorst, 1810, vol. 3, column p. 1559
  • Helmar Junghans : Directory of the Rectors, Vice Rectors, Deans, Professors and Castle Church Preachers of Leucorea. In: Irene Dingel, Günther Wartenberg: Georg Major (1502–1574). A theologian of the Wittenberg Reformation. Leipzig 2005, ISBN 3-374-02332-0 , p. 247

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ registered April 6, 1564 as Johannes Leminger frater m. Alberti professoris ( Album Academiae Vitebergensis Volume Secundum. Halle (Saale), 1894, p. 63)
  2. See the entry of Albertus Lehemeyer's matriculation in the Rostock matriculation portal
  3. ^ Seidemann: Luther's property. In: Christian Wilhelm Niedner: Journal for historical theology. Friedrich Andreas Perthes, Gotha, 1860, 30th vol., New series 24 vol., P. 495 ( online )
  4. ^ Nicolaus Wilcken: Hamburg Temple of Honor. CS Schröder, Hamburg, 1770, p. 108
  5. Conrad Walter: Ecloga in Nuptias Clarissimi Atque Doctissimi viri DM Alberti Lenmeigeri, Oratoriae facultatis Professoris in Academia Witebergensi, et honestißime uirginis Sophiae Besteborstel relictae filiae Theodorici Besteborstel, Reipub: Hamburg Senatoris. Wittenberg, 1570, ( online )
  6. ^ Theodor Wotschke: From Wittenberg church books. In: Archive for the history of the Reformation. (ARG) Vol. 29, 1932, pp. 169-223
  7. ↑ The family context in which philosophy student Theodor Lemaier (* ± 1589 in Hamburg) is registered on September 18, 1605 University of Greifswald, registered on September 17, 1609 University of Leiden, is unclear