Alberte-Barbe de Saint-Baslemont

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Alberte-Barbe de Saint-Baslemont.

Alberte-Barbe de Saint-Baslemont (* 14. May 1606 as Alberte-Barbe d'Ernécourt; † 22. May 1660 in Neuville-en-Verdunois ) was a Lorraine noblemen who in the Thirty Years' War French as the Christian Amazone (. Amazone Chrétienne ) became known. In German texts she appears as Barbara von Saint-Baslemont, in French sources as Madame de Saint-Baslemont or Madame de Saint-Balmont.


Alberte-Barbe d'Ernécourt was the daughter of Simon d'Ernécourt and Marguerite Housse de Watronville. At the age of 16 she was married to Jean-Jacques de Haraucourt , Seigneur de Saint-Baslemont . The couple resided in Neuville-en-Verdunois.

De Haraucourt fought in the service of Duke Charles IV of Lorraine. It was from him that Alberte-Barbe, who had received excellent training, acquired a love of horses and knowledge of warfare. As a commander in men's clothing, Alberte-Barbe von Saint-Baslemont defended their lands against the troops moving through Lorraine and supported the Duchy of Bar and the Diocese of Verdun . Their courage impressed the French officers whom Claude Deruet had portrayed them.

In 1644, her 14-year-old son died of the plague and her husband was killed in Germany. Their daughter Marie-Claude married Louis des Armoises, Seigneur von Jaulny and Commercy in 1646 . Madame de Saint-Baslemont attached great importance to a good education of her subjects. She had an extensive library and wrote several mostly religious works herself.

Under the rule of the governor La Ferté-Sennetaire, her property was confiscated and she finally went, disappointed and sick, to the monastery of the Poor Clares in Bar-le-Duc . She died on May 22, 1660 when she returned to her home. Her tomb is in the church of Neuville-en-Verdunois.


Few of the works by Alberte-Barbe de Saint-Baslemont have survived, including:

  • Les Jumeaux martyrs . Tragedy by Mme de S.-Balmon, Paris, 1650. An annotated edition appeared in 1995.
  • La Fille généreuse . Unpublished manuscript. BN Français, 25489.


  • Micheline Cuénin: La dernière des Amazones, Madame de Saint-Baslemont . Presses universitaires de Nancy, 1992
  • Philippe Martin: Une guerre de Trente Ans en Lorraine (1631–1661) . Ed. Serpenoise, Metz 2002, pp. 143-145
  • Tallement des Réaux: Historiettes . Pléiade, II, pp. 596-597
  • Jean-Marie de Vernon: L'Amazone chrestienne, ou Les avantures de Madame de S. Balmon . Paris 1678
  • P. Des Billons: Histoire de la vie chrétienne et des exploits militaires d'Alberte-Barbe d'Ernecourt connue sous le nom de Madame de Saint-Balmon . Liege 1773


  • Claude Deruet. Madame de Saint-Baslemont (oil on canvas), 1643. Nancy, Musée des Beaux-Arts.
  • Claude Deruet. Madame de Saint-Baslemont (oil on canvas). Nancy, Lorrain Museum

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