Alemannenschule Wutöschingen

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Alemannenschule Wutöschingen
ASW Logo der Schule.png
type of school Community school
founding 2011

Kirchstrasse 2

place Wutöschingen
country Baden-Württemberg
Country Germany
Coordinates 47 ° 39 '36 "  N , 8 ° 21' 51"  E Coordinates: 47 ° 39 '36 "  N , 8 ° 21' 51"  E
carrier Wutöschingen community
student 650
Teachers 70
management Stefan Ruppaner
The 'White House', main building of the community school

The Alemannenschule Wutöschingen (ASW) in the municipality of Wutöschingen , in the Waldshut district in Baden-Württemberg , emerged in 2011 as a community school from a primary and technical secondary school .

With the approval of the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs of Baden-Württemberg in October 2018, the ASW was expanded to include an upper level from the 2019/2020 school year . The Alemannenschule is regarded as a pioneer of a new concept of teaching and learning in connection with an architecture of the school buildings that is adapted to the educational concept.

The digital learning environment "DiLer", which was created in everyday school life at the ASW and developed in cooperation with other schools (in the so-called "material network") within 10 years, is now recognized institutionally and by the state and is used throughout Europe.

In the competition for the German School Prize 2019, the Alemannenschule was one of the five other winners, each with the same ranking, after the main prize. See: school price

In the current school year 2019/2020, the school is teaching 159 elementary and 491 group students.

Stefan Ruppaner has been the rector of the Alemannenschule since 2005.

Lettering and logos at the school square

Current development

"With the groundbreaking for the new construction of a secondary level 2 [...] with an investment of 7.6 million euros a building [... -] 'the largest project that has been implemented in the history of our community so far.'" (Mayor Eble). The community receives grants of 1.715 euros. The upper level has already been set up for the 2019/2020 school year, "the missing space (is) bridged with a container solution."

In the new building, "grades 11 to 13 will be taught in the future, the building is designed for 60 learning partners per level." The construction project is scheduled to be completed in autumn 2021. The registration numbers for the coming school year 2020/2021: “145 students have registered for the 100 places at the entrance level. There are 45 registrations for secondary level two. "

Experience in the corona crisis

By fully equipping the students (learning partners) with tablets and their experience with them in normal lessons, communication via the central learning platform of the ASW also worked during the complete closure before and after the Easter holidays:

“The feedback from parents was positive. 'In the future, I could even imagine that the students would study for one or two days exclusively at home, which would bring advantages for the children and young people and their families and would be good for the psyche,' [Rector] Ruppaner is convinced. "

- Gerald Edinger: School of the Future , Albbote, May 4, 2020.

“'Every school is doing something different at the moment, it would be better to have a common learning surface at least in the district,' says the ASW Rector.” But especially the central learning platform developed by ASW, which “has already been adopted by other schools across Germany, (will) [... in the district] ignored. [...] Although some institutions fail because of the lack of equipment [... but] it is gratifying that the Ministry of Education has now recognized that there is DiLer. "

Upper secondary school

As one of three community schools (GMS) in Baden-Württemberg, the Alemannenschule offered an upper school level for an eleventh grade with the first Abitur year 2022 from the current school year 2019/2020.

"The two-storey new building for the upper school level is being built in the direct vicinity of the white learning house [...]." In mid-September, the local council unanimously gave the "green light for the first floor plan". There was still no information on the costs.


The history of the Alemannenschule is not representative of school development in rural areas - it is based on a specific local history in the context of early industrialization and a communal challenge that this caused, which also led to a tradition in the interaction of local personalities.


The ASW's 'Green House'

The Alemannenschule was originally a small rural village school in the village of Wutöschingen, which, however, was confronted with the children of a migrant worker after the early settlement of an aluminum factory. Since then, this has drawn an unusual amount of attention in the town and has also resulted in experience in dealing with 'school problems'. Even today, Wutöschingen is a supraregional center of the aluminum and metal industry with a correspondingly solid budget. In the course of the municipal reform in 1975 , Wutöschingen became the main town among seven villages and the Alemannenschule became the central school location from the 5th grade; All school-age children in the area who could not or did not want to attend secondary schools (Realschule or Gymnasium) were now taken to Wutöschingen by regular train buses . The secondary school in Wutöschingen was also the contact point for the students who did not manage to stay in the secondary schools, among other things, this led to class sizes with over 30 students, at times there were up to 3 parallel classes . The school already had a physics room, a small library and the newly built sports hall (Alemannenhalle) with outdoor facilities for sports. The school was later expanded into a 2-class Werkrealschule .

Rather by chance, however, a study on school development in the district became known in the village in 2009, which assumed that the Alemannenschule would be closed by 2017 due to insufficient numbers of pupils from the 5th grade. "This study was the initial spark for us for the intensive examination of the subject of school development [...] as never before in our local history."

See chapter: Chronology of the Alemannenschule from 2009: Chronicle

Digital age

"The successful integration of digital media into everyday school life is currently one of the central challenges", which is no longer compatible with traditional forms of learning and teaching - this was the realization not only of specialist authors, but increasingly also of teachers and administrations:

In Germany even the discussion was "only very slow" compared to other countries, but it was not a question of "adopting digital media as comprehensively as possible, but blindly and without reflection in everyday school life." On the other hand, this slowness made it possible to to come back to pedagogical concepts and ideas that were developed primarily value-oriented - mostly without taking into account the new technical possibilities. This leads to the integration of numerous aspects, because "the use of digital media (does not) per se lead to significant, positive effects".

Public relations
Due to the great interest of German and increasingly foreign schools in the self-developed learning platform DiLer and the non-profit cooperative Materialnetzwerk eG (cooperation of currently 43 schools from Baden-Württemberg) a constant exchange is guaranteed; there is also participation in numerous events .

Cooperation with the community

"The most important cooperation partner is first and foremost our school authority, the municipality of Wutöschingen, which is a supraregional role model in its role as school authority."

This was also personalized by the Swiss learning advisor Peter Fratton, who was available as an advisor to help set up the school organization: “The most important thing is a mayor [...] who ensures that the political will is implemented and then gets involved. as many know from building their own houses. "

Community of Wutöschingen
The mayor himself also referred this function to the local council: This had "unanimously taken all decisions relating to the community school across all parliamentary groups."

At the local train station

This also includes the improvement of transport connections, such as the establishment of a platform on the long-disused railway line in the Wutachtal - a key initiative for reactivating 'school traffic' since September 2018 by the Blumberg railway company .

Other supporters
In the lengthy dispute over the implementation of the school development plans of the last 10 years, the school management and mayor not only won the unanimous support of the municipal council, but also the solidarity of companies in addition to the institutions of the citizens (associations and religious communities), with the aluminum works in Wutöschingen (AWW) as a traditional company and largest employer regularly supports the community's investments with financial donations.

Economic aspect
A special cost factor resulted from the realization that the buildings have to be adapted to the new type of school: “Today we understand the learning environment and its spatial design as the 'third educator'; Because the spatial design of the learning environment with the creation of a feel-good atmosphere in our learning houses, now three in number, was an indispensable basis for the success of our project. "

"White House" interior

Parallel to the application for the establishment of the community school in 2011, the “White Learning House” was planned as the main building, which at the beginning - with 240 student registrations - seemed too expensive at “between 7 and 8 million euros”: “One week before the submission deadline to the regional council In Freiburg we didn't have a solution to this problem. ”Ultimately, the idea arose to“ extend the school building not in length but in height, which is significantly cheaper. ”A school building was created in which the“ learning houses "Were built in wood on top of each other -" And with this extraordinary planning we were able to reduce the costs to 5.2 million euros. "

A further building has been in the planning stage since 2018 to set up the upper level of the gymnasium - the municipality estimates that this will cost six million euros. Construction will begin in 2019, "the school management expects completion at the beginning of the 2020/21 school year."

The building ensemble

"The Blue House" (input rooms / marketplace / learning studios)

The learning houses each have their own basic color [white, blue and green] “On the ground floor there are input rooms for the main subjects as well as the cooperative work area, the market place. [...] The learning studios are on the upper floor, where there is a whispered atmosphere. "

Learning and living spaces

  • In the learning ateliers , every learner has a personal workplace, the marketplace with large tables and (screenable) seating areas offers space for working together, for discussions or for lectures in small groups.
  • Input rooms equipped with smartboards , projectors or large flat screens are available for "conventional knowledge - imparting lessons", while in the digital learning room the learners have access to DiLer and the Internet.
  • The afternoon club lessons (three-hour courses in minor subjects) often take place 'outside the home': thematically in the meeting room of the town hall, in the premises of the churches and various associations, in the local media library, in companies, the retirement home, on farms, in the forest or on the river bank .
  • The rooms that can be used in the village also include a “professional film studio” set up in the Wutöschingen town hall for the Alemannenschule with technical equipment of € 7,000. The community and the Alemannenschule association share the costs.
  • Different rooms for the midday leisure are considered "living spaces" .

Every morning the school is open from 7 a.m. and begins with the early musical start. In specially designed rooms or in the rehearsal room of the local music club, music can be played individually or together ("wind class", "orchestra", "choir"). The actual “learning time” begins at 8:15 am.

Shoe rack for storing street shoes

It is the “slipper culture” that creates a “whispered atmosphere” that is only found in the “marketplaces” on the ground floor.

Educational concept

The conception of the Alemannenschule, which was developed with a view to the operation of the community school, was one of the bases for the approval for the establishment of the gymnasiale Oberstufe: The model character of the conception, the spatial and technical equipment, the alignment of the buildings and rooms to the Learning organization and the exceptional support from the school authority. The concept developed in Wutöschingen was created autonomously - i.e. In other words, the school management could not follow the requirements of the state or federal government. The concept of inclusive education provided orientation .

Concept formation

Replacing traditional terms from the school system with new ones is a legitimate method of dissolving associations that have been associated with certain names for decades in the population, especially among children and young people.

  • "Learning companion" and "learning partner" replace the terms teacher and student.
  • There are no more 'class work' or 'tests', but proof of success.

A term such as “proof of success” seems more complex than “test”, but the association is what is decisive, as two schoolgirls (11 and 13 years old) describe vividly: “The name was changed because you normally get the crisis immediately you hear the word 'test' or 'work'. "

  • There are no longer any 'classrooms', but rather learning studios, input rooms, marketplaces and extracurricular learning locations.
  • Learning partners do not have a fixed timetable, but rather an individual, weekly learning plan

The examination of learning progress can take different forms: in writing or orally, as a presentation, role play or reading - the time for this is individualized: "If a child feels ready to demonstrate a competence, it provides evidence of success."

Mission statement and principles of the ASW


The school itself also defines its basics using its own abbreviation "ASW" in the formula "decency, personal responsibility, will":

Decency characterizes an attitude that, in addition to general 'civil' manners, relates above all to the acceptance of all those involved with regard to the rules of the school. In addition to the definition in the abbreviation, there is also the mission statement. According to the school, this is "the basis of our cooperation and applies equally to everyone involved in school life."

Individual and community
The insight that "individually designed learning" takes up personal skills better and can thereby optimize the independent learning process does not mean forcing (social) individualism, but is understood as a quality that is supplemented by "cooperative learning", " so that the feeling of togetherness, the experience of community and learning from and with one another “strengthens the individual.

Set of rules

This interaction is the basis of the detailed conception of a self-developed school and teaching system that tries to combine progressive pedagogy based on personal responsibility with a set of rules that is not based on coercion, but motivates, offers orientation and occasionally provides insight into causes 'unfavorable' thinking and behavior for the individual. The concept of the ASW is called the “graduation system”. It defines four learning statuses that learning partners can achieve (new starter, starter, high starter, learner). The higher a learning partner graduates, the more independence and reliability he has demonstrated over a longer period of time, with which he has acquired more freedoms and rights within the school.

certificate of achievement

The set of rules is not placed in the foreground in a striking way - it is present and develops for the learning partners over time, but often also surprisingly quickly: Anyone who declares 'they don't feel like learning' is kindly accepted, but brings something If this attitude continues, he will soon be able to see that he will not be sanctioned, but will find himself back to the learning level of “minimum requirement” instead of the expected “expert status” via the regular evidence of success. Disciplining is not primarily brought about by giving grades, but rather through one's own recognition that the connection is being lost.

"Since it only makes sense to switch to the next higher level when the previous level has really been penetrated, the children need at least 25 out of 30 points to pass a certificate of success." If this is not passed, the problem is worked through with the learning support.

"In addition, it is important to support the learning partners in the weekly [personal] learning counseling in structuring learning individually in such a way that the acquisition of competencies is made possible." The regulations that have been shifted to the background of the school organization - especially the handling of 'exams '- take into account "that children have individual learning paths" and allow the students a high degree of "self-efficacy experience".

Acting people

Learning guides and learning partners are not just a “renaming” of the traditional terms “teacher and student”, but also embody a “new job description” as well as a different form of learning for children and young people.

Learning companion

"Learning guides take on the more passive role in everyday school life, while learning partners take on the active part in learning. In this way, learning guides prepare the learning environment for the child and serve as a reliable contact person in the learning process. [...] An immediate exchange and the feeling of 'existence' is made possible here. "

"Comprehensive requirements" for this individualization of supervision represent the necessary exchange between the teachers: They have to "say goodbye to their previous teacher image as 'lone warriors' and become 'team players'." The prerequisite is an accompanied "familiarization period" for "new college / inside ": everyone receives a" tandem partner "; Meetings (“sub-conferences”) take place weekly at a specified time. "Joint activities outside of school, in which all colleagues of the team participate, proved to be valuable."

The learning guides should enable “a direct and regular exchange about the children's learning” through the group of 11 to 14 students assigned to them, including their dispositions among themselves and with other groups in the field of vision and also through close parenting contact. School advisor Fratton criticizes “the fact that a school in Baden-Württemberg is not allowed to choose its teachers, or only to a small extent. [...] If the responsible authorities are committed to being helpers for a child-friendly school, they must ensure that a school like the Alemannenschule can employ all of its teachers themselves. "

Learning partner on the 'marketplace'

learning partner

Each learning partner - regardless of whether they are newly enrolled fifth graders or newcomers to the tenth graders - begins as a starter and receives "the greatest possible support and attention from their learning companion." They can work independently within the specified time frame and complete proof of success by arrangement. If the requirements are successful, starters - “graduate” - become a high-flyer and can develop this learning status up to becoming a professional learner . Independent work can be expanded in each status; d. In other words , professional learners are exempted from various compulsory attendance during knowledge acquisition and can develop their learning in some areas themselves at home. “Degrading” is also possible (to a new starter ) through misconduct or multiple failures . The respective status is linked to a catalog of rights and obligations, which, in addition to performance evaluation, also relates to behavior in school and in public (the mission statement).

Primary school building (3rd and 4th grade)

The learning group assigned to a learning companion is mixed in age and has between 11 and 14 learning partners. Every fifth grader gets "a sponsor from his learning group who will introduce him to the new form of learning and school and who will be available as a contact person". This assumption of responsibility has a positive effect for the older pupils, "with whom they also grow".

The Alemannenschule Wutöschingen has two primary schools: grades 1 and 2 are taught in the Degernau district , grades 3 and 4 in Wutöschingen. Encouraged by the concept of the GMS and when the requirements for school beginners are very different today, experiments were also carried out there with the adoption of some principles and regulations. On the basis of her experience, a teacher argues that “this system of learning can already work very well in grades 3 and 4 [… and] it is necessary to have such comprehensive structures as those established at the Alemannenschule, not just from the end of school career here, but especially to think from grade 1. "

Qualifiers (professionals)

The clubs (three-hour, topic-related units that extend over a trimester (approx. 12 weeks)) are selected by the learning partners in each trimester, whereby the responsible learning supervisor ensures that the hourly contingency table (minimum number of hours per subject and school year) is adhered to. Their topics and the extraordinary “learning locations” (other spaces in the community, nature, factory) aim not only to impart knowledge, but also to “broaden horizons” and develop personality. The initiators and leaders of these ventures are called "club leaders".

Involvement of the parents

In order to support children and young people in their learning process, close cooperation between parents and schools is sought. This takes place in a personal conversation as well as via digital channels (also in DiLer). Parents can always come to school to clarify any questions.

On February 12, 2019, the school management and Mayor Eble faced the informal and critical questions of future (high school) parents in a well-attended information event.

Learning organization

The new form of teaching and learning made possible in close cooperation with the premises requires organizational and material or content-related structures that are now digitally based, with books, brochures and magazines also being present on shelves and small libraries.

Teaching basics (learning concept)

A realistic learning concept must assume that children of the same age cannot be subjected to the same general requirements ('classroom principle'), but, since they operate on different “learning levels” (skills, knowledge, willingness to learn), are challenged accordingly or given different options must be offered for advancement. Based on the three learning levels (minimum, standard and expert standard), appropriate teaching materials were created - by a network founded with other schools: "On the basis of jointly developed competence grids [...] each school developed materials for a competence area in a school level other schools and was allowed to access their materials in return. ”The consequence was that already available learning platforms could no longer meet the differentiated requirements, so that“ a separate 'learning environment', the DiLer digital learning environment , was developed a short time later [...] arrived in the everyday life of teachers and learners (was). "

A "learning progress" structured according to age groups and a uniform time and curriculum is avoided in favor of the students' personal development processes: "To organize learning, each learning partner leads his / her own learning plan, which is created anew at the beginning or at the end of each week. Your fixed dates are already entered in the learning plan [...]. "

Learning plan form

Compulsory subjects
Fixed dates are set (English, everyday culture / nutrition / social affairs, science & technology) or selected (art, sport, music, club) and are adhered to independently. The rest of the week can be planned or divided up (German, mathematics, other languages). The learning diary is kept on Fridays for reflection . Everything - including the minutes of the weekly learning consultations , is recorded on the DiLer learning platform.

Digital learning environment (DiLer)

DiLer is “the central platform for the provision of educational content and communication structures between all participating school actors. [… Here] learning processes are documented, transparency is given about the level of performance, learning content is offered and contact between parents, learning partners and learning guides is offered. ”Initially, the school website was expanded as a communicative platform (with chat) between teachers, learners and parents. The next step to set up a “learning platform” to organize lessons and materials failed because of the offer - more like “administrative platforms for teachers”, more “commercial than educational” - and “not a single platform integrated the parents”. From 2011, the information technology teacher at the ASW had dealt with these questions, but contact with the “responsible bodies” did not lead to any reaction. The idea of ​​developing a learning platform in-house met with a response from the mayor and received a financial advance from the local council.

Symbol of the "learning environment DiLer"

The platform now called DiLer is “an open source, open source LMS (Learning Management System) for competence-based learning that is used by teachers, students and parents. DiLer is a web application and works in all modern Internet browsers. "Meanwhile," the software is also used by high schools and other institutions worldwide, a solution for [...] universities is in development. "

Use of digital technology

The next step - also in order to create equal opportunities - was to equip the students (and also the teachers) with standardized mobile devices; the choice fell on iPads . The technical and organizational adjustments took two years to complete, then the interaction with 500 devices worked (and with a half-station set up for this purpose). Attention was paid to conveying the device to the students as a “tool of the trade”, not to use it “at home” for exclusively consumer use (games), but rather as a “means of production” - for text creation, image processing, for graphic “montages” various forms of narrative representation. The use of the iPads is defined by specific and differentiated rules of conduct for the learning partners.

The ASW Wiki is used at the level of learning support, which contains all information on the organization of everyday school life such as responsibilities, room and event planning, minutes and schedules.

The process of integrating digital media “reached an advanced level after about six years of development”, but is constantly being further developed. The learning partners are personally equipped with tablets in the Alemannenschule using leased devices, to which the parents contribute € 12 per student per month. The municipality takes on a portion of 10 € of the leasing costs as well as maintenance. Device change after 3 years.

Handling of DiLer

By editing texts on the part of the teacher, “(digital learning content) can easily be adapted to different levels of ability. This enables learning processes to be individualized by providing learners with content that corresponds to their personal level of knowledge. ”While texts in textbooks can only be changed by new editions, digital texts can be continuously updated or adapted based on experiences in the teaching process. In addition, formats available via the Internet such as YouTube or Wikipedia can be integrated directly.

Logo material network

Material network

After the material network initiated by the Alemannenschule as a loose association of up to 43 schools from Baden-Württemberg came up against organizational limits, the non-profit cooperative Materialnetzwerk eG was founded in October 2018 .

The aim is to provide high-quality learning materials at three levels as Open Educational Resources (free teaching and learning materials).

Award and nomination

  • Awarded the Apple Distinguished School as one of seven schools in Germany with technical support from 2018 to 2021.

German School Prize 2019

  • After a preselection in December 2018, a four-member jury of the German School Prize of the Robert Bosch Foundation / Heidehof Foundation visited the Alemannenschule on January 8 and 9, 2019 . On March 15, 2019, the school received news that it had been nominated among the 15 finalists for the award. On June 5, 2019, the award ceremony took place at six award-winning schools, "It was enough to get one of five second places, each of which was rewarded with 25,000 euros." Mayor Georg Eble, who is also a member of the 17-person delegation at the E-Werk in Berlin was: “This price is the reward for the work of the past ten years.” Rector Stefan Ruppaner on the prize money: “Part of the amount could flow into the material network that is currently being set up.” In Wutöschingen there was “a public viewing for schoolchildren and Teacher."

Presence at events (extract)

  • 2014: International Conference on Computers in Education (Nara, Japan)
  • 2017: didacta in Stuttgart (education fair )
  • 2017: Forum Education-Digitization (Berlin)
  • 2017: Didacta in Florence (International Education Fair)
  • 2018: EduCation (Mannheim)
  • 2018: Federal Congress School Management (Dortmund)
  • 2019: Bavarian Headmaster's Congress (Kloster Banz)
  • 2019: Forum Innovation in Education (Cairo)


In 2004 in Baden-Württemberg the demand was made for the first time, “to promote the development of schools away from the teaching institution and towards an educational institution. (Ministry BaWü, 2004). “In Wutöschingen, a shock that was helpful in retrospect was the ministerial threat in 2009 to close the ASW as a secondary school [Werkrealschule] by 2020 due to insufficient student numbers. (Study by the Fritz Erler Forum 2009). Since other schools in the Waldshut district were also about to close, Rector Ruppaner sought support, but the necessary cooperation between the mayors could not be achieved: "It was clear that the ASW, together with the Wutöschingen community, would initially have to try to develop schools alone." Here, too, the first attempt failed, but after the seriousness of the situation became aware, "the councilors and the mayor [...] recognized the need to invest in the school."

The change in the status of the school was rejected twice, "but then the change of government in Baden-Württemberg intervened."


“In the 2010/2011 school year, the Werkrealschule in Baden-Württemberg was reformed and the ASW also became a primary and Werkrealschule” with a 10th grade. The objective now was to further expand free work. However, the main problem in the teaching staff was felt to be “teaching in lockstep”, which could not prevent the development gap between under- and overstrained students: “At the latest in the class work, the massive differences could no longer be denied.” Rector and staff of the Alemannenschule dared to help themselves : Not only the “free work as a supplement to the lesson” was remodeled, but also tried to organize the “conventional lesson as a supplement to the free work”.

With “great support from the parents”, after keen interest in the wider environment and the willing support from the school authorities, the ASW decided, since its “working methods were in line with the type of community school emerging in Baden-Württemberg, [...] to accept it as Community school "to apply.

In 2011, the municipality of Wutöschingen, as the school authority, submitted an application to set up a community school and in 2012/2013 it was set up as one of 34 “starter schools” in Baden-Württemberg.

Community school

Immediately after the application in 2011 - the first school year should start in 2012/2013 - the conversion of the two existing 5th grades with a specially made “competence grid, with the help of which the child can organize his own individual learning”, began. Basically, those involved in the ASW “quickly realized that the pedagogical concept had to be fundamentally rethought: away from individual classes and classrooms, away from the regular understanding of teaching [...] in the course of this, completely different rooms were ultimately required, a different rhythm of everyday life for Pupils and teachers. ”What was also required were“ appropriate skills in dealing with the technology ”and the imparting of the necessary“ comprehensive process ”in the social and local environment, because:“ However, this has to be implemented Basis of the local framework conditions by the individual school and the school authority. ”In the first school year, the 5th grade of the ASW received 58 registrations, in the second year 93 and the following year 102.

“But the resistance and criticism from schools and school authorities from neighboring communities was very fierce. Our school or the new type of school was badly talked about, also by the district. "

- Georg Eble, Mayor Wutöschingen in: L&L, 2017, p. 17.

There were objections from the city of Waldshut-Tiengen, the districts of Constance, Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and Schwarzwald-Baar.

"Many of my colleagues smiled at us at first [...] Only when the learning partners chose our school and no longer the well-known school forms, the smile turned into open rejection."

"Input room" study room

Redesign of the school

Internally, the 'school renovation' was carried out consistently: in 2013 the computer rooms were closed and “restructured into open computer counters. At the same time, all learning guides were equipped with MacBooks and iPads [.. and] input rooms and marketplaces with smartboards. "

"Even if the Alemannenschule Wutöschingen has certainly made great progress in the field of digital media compared to other state and private schools, I am convinced that we are still scratching the surface and have only just worked out the necessary basics."

- V. Helling: Use of tablet computers in: Zylka, 2017, p. 108.


  1. "The community school [...] is nominated for the German School Award 2019 and is considered a pioneer in modern teaching. [...] 'At the Alemannenschule there are no more classrooms and nothing to remind you of it.' [...] The students learn there in so-called input rooms, mostly in 20-minute phases. Then they move to individual workplaces or to another location that suits their new task. ”Marc Kirschbaum, Professor of Architectural Theory and Design at SRH University Heidelberg, quoted in: Anne Backhaus: Offene Denkzimmer , in: Zeit & Schule, supplement in Die Zeit , 5 / January, Hamburg 2019, p. 23.
  2. Wutöschingen has the third community school with upper level in Baden-Württemberg next to Konstanz and Tübingen and is "the first in rural areas." (Kai Oldenburg: Im Wutachtal zum Abitur , Alb-Bote, October 11, 2018).
  3. The digital equipment in connection with the educational concept in Wutöschingen has a model character, because "for several years the Alemannenschule has been implementing [...] what has been made as a recommendation as well as a requirement for educational policy with regard to the future learning culture (study by Bertelsmann Foundation 'Digital Learning', 2017.). According to this study, most schools use 'digital media only for administrative purposes and 81 percent of teachers and 88 percent of school principals see [...] only in this they have better opportunities to cope with these tasks' "(H. Glaser, Südkurier, 20. October 2017).
  4. So at the beginning of February 2019 with a check for € 1,000. (Official Journal Wutöschingen, edition 6/2019).
  5. The very first act for everyone every day is that shoes are taken off in the foyer or in the anteroom and that all rooms may only be entered in slippers or stockings. This also applies to visitors and is universally accepted. It brings about the desired calmness that promotes concentration.
  6. In the development of the related relationships, attitudes and methods, looking at the 'history of school' in Wutöschingen, one also came across Wilhelm von Humboldt , who had laid the foundations of these concepts for 200 years: 'Every learning is' a own acquisition ', the highest purpose of which is to promote the' independence 'of the' own intellectual activity 'of the learners, whereby they should become aware of' their own strength in learning '. "(Ulrich Herrmann: Wilhelm von Humboldts Schulplan. In: L&L, P. 30).
  7. In Baden-Württemberg, a total of 41 so-called starter schools were set up as model community schools with inclusive educational offerings from the 2012/2013 school year ; in 2017 there were already 304 community schools . ( Educational awakening - socially fair and efficient - questions and answers about the new community school . In:, questions and answers about community schools ; under How many community schools already exist , accessed on July 15, 2017.).
  8. Georg Eble: How can the community support their (community) school . In: Teaching & Learning, p. 17. According to the mayor, “this has now subsided” (Eble 2019). In the region there was massive resistance to the Wutöschinger plans and it was not until May 31, 2017 that the district council in Waldshut “unanimously pronounced itself in favor” (Kai Oldenburg: Im Wutachtal zum Abitur , Albbote, October 11, 2018).


  • Johannes Zylka (Ed.): School on the way to a personalized learning environment. Models of new teaching and learning. Beltz-Verlag, Weinheim 2017, foreword, p. 7. ISBN 978-3-407-25771-0 . E-Book (PDF): ISBN 978-3-407-29518-7 .
  • Johannes Zylka: Digital School Development. Beltz Verlag, Weinheim 2018. ISBN 978-3-407-63054-4 .
  • Teaching & learning: The school operating system using the example of the Alemannenschule (GMS) Wutöschingen. Journal for schools and innovation from Baden-Württemberg, Neckar-Verlag, 6–2017. ISSN 0341-8294.
  • Hartmut Rosa / Wolfgang Endres: resonance pedagogy. When the classroom crackles. , Beltz Verlag, Weinheim / Basel 2016. ISBN 978-3-407-25768-0 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. School Harald Willenbrock in Brand eins 1/2020
  2. Sandra Holzwarth: Wutöschingen invests in education , Albbote, June 19, 2020.
  3. Gerald Edinger: In big steps towards the school of the future , Albbote, May 4th 2020.
  4. Sandra Holzwarth: Wutöschingen is getting fit for upper school , September 19, 2019.
  5. Georg Eble: How can the community support their (community) school? In: Teaching & learning: The school operating system using the example of the Alemannenschule (GMS) Wutöschingen , magazine, Neckar-Verlag, 6–2017, p. 17.
  6. Stefan Ruppaner: How does the school operating system work at the Wutöschingen community school . In: Teaching & Learning (L&L): The School Operating System , p. 12.
  7. Peter Fratton: Instead of school-friendly children, a child-friendly school. The learning village Wutöschingen in: Zylka (Ed.), P. 25.
  8. Georg Eble: How can the community support their (community) school? , L&L, p. 18.
  9. ^ Eble: Gemeinde , in: L&L, p. 18.
  10. Eble, L&L, p. 20.
  11. Gerald Edinger: Upper level takes shape in: Südkurier, February 1, 2019.
  12. Tanja Schöler / Verena Schabinger: Individual and joint learning. In: Zylka (Ed.): School on the way to a personalized learning environment. Models of new teaching and learning. Beltz-Verlag, Weinheim 2017, p. 91.
  13. Ruppaner / Schöler, L&L, p. 12.
  14. Heidrun Glaser: Equipment for Directors , Südkurier, October 13, 2017.
  15. ^ Johannes Zylka: School on the way to a personalized learning environment. Models of new teaching and learning. Beltz-Verlag, Weinheim 2017, foreword, p. 7.
  16. Tanja Schöler / Verena Schabinger: Individual and shared learning in: Johannes Zylka (ed.): Schule auf dem Weg , Beltz-Verlag, 2017, p. 85.
  17. ASW website - paragraph guiding principle. Retrieved May 16, 2019 .
  18. Tanja Schöler / Verena Schabinger: Lessons complement free work and not the other way around in: Lehren & Lern, 2017, p. 8.
  19. Schöler / Schabinger: Individual and joint learning in: Zylka (Ed.): Schule auf dem Weg , 2017, p. 85.
  20. Schöler / Schabinger: We are on our way in: Zylka (Ed.), 2017, p. 76.
  21. Peter Fratton: Kindgerechte Schule in: Zylka (Ed.), P. 33.
  22. Graduation concept of the ASW website of the ASW, accessed on May 14, 2019.
  23. Saskia Strzalko: First Steps in elementary school in: Zylka (eds.), 2017, page 139.
  24. Gerald Edinger: Parents follow up exactly , Südkurier, February 15, 2019.
  25. Schöler / Schabinger: Individual and joint learning in: Zylka (Ed.), P. 86.
  26. ↑ https://digitale-lern website digital learning environment
  27. Ruppaner / Schöler: Operating System School , L&L, p. 11.
  28. Mirko Sigloch: The digital learning environment DiLer in: Zylka (Ed.): Weg , 2017, p. 95 f. For data protection reasons, DiLer should only be installed on state servers. See also: Diler .
  29. Valentin Helling: Guiding principles for using the iPad. General and graduation-related rules for dealing with people in: Zylka (Ed.), 2017, p. 196 ff.
  30. Zylka, 2018, pp. 74 to 80.
  31. Südkurier, December 22, 2018.
  32. Gerald Edinger: Cheers for second place , Südkurier, June 6, 2019.
  33. Ruppaner: We are on our way , in: Zylka (Ed.), P. 71.
  34. Tanja Schöler, Verena Schabinger: We are on our way to Zylka, 73 ff.
  35. Schöler / Schabinger: Weg , in: Zylka (Ed.), P. 74.
  36. J. Zylka: Digital School Development , 2018, p. 12 f. and 74.
  37. Alb-Bote, October 31, 2018.
  38. Zylka / Müller / Helling / Sigloch: Experiences from the integration of digital media into everyday school life in: L&L, p. 15.