Alessandro Saša Ota

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Memorial plaque in Trieste

Alessandro Saša Ota (born July 14, 1957 in Trieste , † January 28, 1994 in Mostar ) was an Italian journalist and photographer who was killed together with Marco Luchetta and Dario D'Angelo during the war in Bosnia while working for the Rai .


Ota became interested in photography early on. At 16 he worked as an assistant to a photographer and began to deal with the film camera . After completing his military service, he worked briefly for the Slovenian business paper Gospodarstvo , then for a company that exported wood processing machines, and traveled extensively in Yugoslavia . He began engineering studies at the University of Ljubljana , which he did not graduate. From 1979 he worked for the Italian public service broadcaster ( Rai ) in Friuli. He was also involved in movies ( Il seduttore filantropo by Gianni Lepre and Giulia e Giulia by Peter Del Monte ). In 1990 he married Milenka Rustia, with whom he had a son.

Due to his extensive language skills ( Slovene and Serbo-Croatian ), he was the Rai correspondent on the occasion of the 1990 elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the protests against Slobodan Milošević in Belgrade in 1992, and the rejection of the Vance-Owen peace plan by the National Assembly of the Serbian Republic of Bosnia. Herzegovina in Pale , which culminated in the Yugoslav Wars.


On January 28, 1994 he was in Mostar with Marco Luchetta and Dario D'Angelo for a report about the suffering of children in the war. There, the three journalists fell victim to a grenade . The child they interviewed at that moment was only slightly injured.

In memory of the three journalists and Miran Hrovatin (also from Trieste), the Fondazione Luchetta Ota D'Angelo Hrovatin , which took care of the medical care of war disabled children, was set up. In 2014 a public garden in Trieste was named after the four. Ota is also the namesake for the category of the best report at the Premio Luchetta .

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supporting documents

  1. Storia. Fondazione Luchetta Ota D'Angelo Hrovatin, accessed January 26, 2019 .
  2. ^ Giornalisti: a Trieste giardino in memoria vittime Mostar. Cerimonia con Siddi e Rossi (Fnsi) per Luchetta, Ota, D'Angelo, Hrovatin. Articolo 21, liberi di…, May 12, 2014, accessed on January 26, 2019 .
  3. Premio Luchetta. Retrieved January 26, 2019 .