Alexander Borissowitsch Belyawski

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Alexander Borissowitsch Beljawski ( Russian Александр Борисович Белявский , scientific transliteration Aleksandr Borisovič Beljavskij ; born May 6, 1932 in Moscow ; † September 8, 2012 ibid) was a Soviet - Russian theater and film actor .


Beljawski was the eldest of three children of the married couple Boris Moissejewitsch and Lyubow Alexandrowna Beljawski. He went to school № 468 in Moscow and graduated there in 1949. He then began studying at the Faculty of Non-ferrous Metals and Gold of the Geological Institute in Moscow, which he finished in 1955 with receiving his diploma. Beljawski then took up a job in the East Siberian Geological Administration in Irkutsk . At the local drama theater he was on stage for the first time as an actor and decided to return to Moscow and devote himself to acting.

He then attended the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute ( Театральный институт имени Бориса Щукина ) in Moscow, from which he graduated in 1961. He made his first film appearance as Kolja in the film Tales of Lenin ( Рассказы о Ленине ) in 1957. After graduating from the Theater Institute, he worked as an actor in the Moscow Satire Theater ( Театр Сатиры ). Beljawski became known at that time as an actor in the Soviet television program Kabachok 13 stuljew ( Кабачок "13 стульев" ), in which actors from the satire theater mostly participated.

In 1964 he was hired by the Polish director Leonard Buczkowski to play the leading role in the film The Interrupted Flight (Przerwany lot). While filming in Warsaw , Beljawski learned the Polish language, which later helped him to roles in six other Polish films. In the same year he moved to the Moscow Drama Theater KS Stanislav ( Московский драматический театр им. К. С. Станиславского ) and then in 1966 to the Theater Studio of Cinema Actors ( катино ) in Moscow катира-катура - Moscow.

In the 1980s, Alexander Beljawski worked as a voice actor for foreign films in Russia. Among other things, he became the standard voice of Benny Hill . In the 1990s, Beljawski starred in the television program Bely Popugai ( Белый попугай ) with. In total, Beljawski played over 100 roles and had appearances in the GDR , North Korea , Finland , France and the USA . For example, he received the role of Admiral Ivanov in the US film The Attack in 2002 .

On September 8, 2012, Alexander Beljawski fell out of the stairwell window between the fifth and sixth floors of his apartment building in the Bolshoi Tishinsky Pereulok ( Большой Тишинский переулок ). Years earlier, the actor had suffered a severe stroke and lost his voice. The investigating authorities assume suicide , while family members believe in an accident.

Beljawski was married to Lyudmila Beljawskaja and had two daughters.


Filmography (selection)

  • 1957: Tales about Lenin (Rasskasy o Lenine)
  • 1964: The interrupted flight (Przerwany lot)
  • 1964: Jolanta
  • 1966: July rain (Ijulski doschd)
  • 1968: 24-25 does not return (24-25 ne vozvrushschajetsja)
  • 1970: Four tank soldiers and a dog (Tschetyre tankista i sobaka) , (TV series)
  • 1970: The day the friendship began (Dzien oczyszczenia)
  • 1975: When the earth shakes (Kogda droschit semlja)
  • 1975: The irony of fate, or enjoy your bath! (Ironija sudby, ili S legkim parom!)
  • 1979: The black cat (Mesto wstretschi ismenit nelsja)
  • 1979: Antarctic story (Antarktitscheskaja powest)
  • 1979: Father Sergej (Otez Sergi)
  • 1979: Test flight to Saturn (Test pilota Pirxa) , the film adaptation of the novel Pilot Pirx
  • 1981: Peters Youth (Junost Petra)
  • 1985: Russian, please!
  • 1991: The Promised Paradise (Nebessa obetowannyje)
  • 1992: Three Days in August
  • 2002: Antikiller
  • 2002: The stop (The Sum of All Fears)
  • 2004: Moscow Heat
  • 2007: Irony of Fate. The continuation

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Актер Александр Белявский покончил с собой , September 8, 2012 (Russian)
  2. В Москве простились с Александром Белявским , September 12, 2012 (Russian)
  4. Archive link ( Memento of the original from June 16, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /