Alexander Schweizer (theologian)

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Alexander Swiss

Alexander Schweizer (born March 14, 1808 in Murten ; † July 3, 1888 in Zurich ) was a Reformed theologian.


After studying in Zurich and Berlin , he became professor of practical theology at the University of Zurich, founded in 1833 , in 1835 . During his studies in Zurich he joined the Swiss Zofinger Association . In 1850/51 he was rector . He was a member of the Church and Education Council as well as the Grand Council and in 1844 became pastor at the Grossmünster .

Alexander Schweizer was married to Raisin (born January 28, 1818, † September 2, 1895 in Zurich), daughter of the entrepreneur and politician Johann Jakob Hürlimann . One of his ancestors was the philologist and university professor Johann Caspar Schweizer .


Sermon collections and treatises

  • The Doctrine of Faith of the Reformed Church . Zurich 1844–47, 2 volumes
  • Homiletics of the Evangelical Protestant Church . Zurich 1848
  • The central Protestant dogmas within the Reformed Church . Zurich 1854 to 1856, 2 volumes
  • Christian doctrine . 2nd Edition. Leipzig 1877, 2 volumes
  • Pastoral theory . Leipzig 1875
  • To the right and left; Meetings about the signs of the times . Leipzig 1876
  • The future of religion . Leipzig 1878
  • Professor Dr. Alexander Swiss . Zurich 1889 ( autobiography )


Web links

Commons : Alexander Schweizer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Alexander Schweizer in the digital Alfred Escher letter edition . Retrieved August 9, 2017.