Alfons Reckermann

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Alfons Reckermann (born April 8, 1947 in Münster ) is a German philosopher and university lecturer.


Reckermann teaches at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich (LMU Munich), where he has held a professorship for philosophy with special emphasis on social philosophy since 1988 .

Reckermann studied philosophy, history, German and sociology at the University of Münster and at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg . The Dr. phil. He graduated from the University of Freiburg in 1976 and qualified as a professor in 1986 for philosophy at the LMU Munich.

He was married to Ursula Reckermann (1942–2018) and lives in Eichenau .

Research priorities

From a historical point of view, the focus of his academic work is the philosophy of antiquity and Nietzsche's philosophy, including its history of reception in contemporary philosophy. He is particularly interested in questions of theory formation and in the connection between metaphysics and ethics . His current research is the ancient polis as the first and to this day paradigmatic form of a political community.


Essays (in selection)

  • “Sauver les Nouménes”. On the interference between art theory and metaphysics in Paul Valéry , Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung, 34, 1980, 38–58.
  • Nietzsche and Parmenides , Philosophical Yearbook of the Görres Society , 89, 1982, 325–346.
  • together with Ursula Reckermann , Art as a Model of the Cosmos, To Michel Butor's Dialogue avec 33 variations de Ludwig van Beethoven sur une valse Diabelli, in: Arold Arens (Ed.), Text-Etymologie. Body and content research. Festschrift for Heinrich Lausberg on his 75th birthday, Stuttgart, 1987, 315–327.
  • The “guilt” of the form and ways to compensate for it. Considerations on the critique of rationality in Horkheimer and Adorno , Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung, 42, 1988, 417–432.
  • The image as a carrier of meaning in philosophical discourse. Cicero's search for an “optimum genius dicendi” and its consequences for classicist art theory, concretized using the example of the Galleria Farnese and its interpretation by GP Bellori , in: Wolfgang Harms (Ed.), Text und Bild, Bild und Text, Stuttgart, 1990 , 96-109.
  • Cicero's theory of rhetorical rationality, Synthesis Philosophica, special issue on ancient philosophy, Zagreb, 1990, 507-530.
  • The divine “poet of the cosmos” as a model of human art. On the relationship between cosmological and artistic rationality from the perspective of ancient philosophy, in: Wolfgang Harms and Klaus Speckenbach (eds.), Pictorial Speech in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Age. Problems of their legitimation and their function. Friederich Ohly on his 75th birthday, Tübingen, 1992, 93-107.
  • Pascal as theoretician of religious experience, in: Walter Haug and Dietmar Mieth (eds.), Models of Religious Experience in Christian Tradition, Munich, 1992, 305–331.
  • The concept of creative “imitatio” in the context of Renaissance art theory, in: Walter Haug and Burghart Wachinger (eds.), Innovation and Originality in the Late Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Era, Tübingen, 1993, 98–132.
  • Nietzsche's philosophy as a Dionysian justification of existence, Outlook, 14, 2003, 87–96.
  • The unity of the polis as a philosophical problem, in: Jean-Marc Narbonne et Alfons Reckermann (éd.), Pensées de l`Un dans l`histoire de la philosophie. Ètudes en hommage au Werner Beierwaltes , Paris et Quebec, 2001, 26–48.

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. Chair for Philosophy III - Faculty for Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies - LMU Munich. Retrieved December 24, 2017 .