Alfred T. Hoffmann

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Alfred T. Hoffmann (* 1949 ) is a German social pedagogue and qualified pedagogue .


1970–1974 Hoffmann studied social pedagogy at the Evangelical University of Applied Sciences Rhineland-Westphalia-Lippe , Düsseldorf-Kaiserswerth department, and from 1976 to 1981 he studied educational sciences at the University of Hamburg . 1975–1978 he was a consultant for voluntary social services at the Diakonisches Werk in Hamburg.

From 1986 to 1994, Hoffmann was the educational director of the Hamburg and Hessian working group for advanced training in the elderly. V. (hafa), which he co-founded. He was also responsible for the transfer to the International Home Care Foundation.

From 1995–2000 he was head of quality management at RENTACO AG in the senior residences division, Berlin.

Since 2000 he has been the founder and head of the consulting and training company "IQ - Innovative Qualification in Elderly Care", Bad Arolsen .


1980–1982 Hoffmann was a lecturer at the vocational training center of the German Trade Union Confederation in Hamburg.

1981–1982 he was a research associate at the University of Hamburg in the research project “Personnel situation in inpatient care for the elderly”.

Between 1982 and 1987 Hoffmann was a research associate at the University of Applied Sciences in Kassel , department of social affairs, postgraduate course in social gerontology .

1984–1986 he was a lecturer in the field of social gerontology at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences / Hochschule Rheinland-Westfalen-Lippe , Bochum .


1. Focus: youth work

1975–1978: Development of the "youth workshop" concept for the Diakonisches Werk Hamburg

He worked as a consultant for the voluntary social services / Diakonisches Jahr (FSJ) in the Diakonisches Werk , Hamburg. He understood the FSJ as a year of learning and experience between the general school leaving certificate and the start of training / studies. Adolescents who did not have a general school-leaving certificate were in fact denied admission to the voluntary social year. However, in order to give these disadvantaged young people a chance, Alfred T. Hoffmann developed the concept of the “youth workshop”. During the implementation, he attached great importance to the fact that the young people had the opportunity within the framework of this special voluntary social year to obtain a secondary school diploma, to gain practical experience in a possible later apprenticeship and practical work in the respective "apprenticeship" in institutions of the Diakonisches Werk afford to.

2nd focus: senior work

While working as a consultant for the FSJ in the Diakonisches Werk Hamburg, Hoffmann got to know numerous old people's and nursing homes. The reality of life for old people in these facilities was the trigger for their future career path. According to the principle “in dealing with the elderly (in need of help), society shows its true face”, he was henceforth committed to the concerns of the elderly. Quality of life is not a privilege of the “young”, says Hoffmann, but must be a right for all people regardless of their age. He recognized early on that the topic of "aging" is not a national one that can be limited, but a global one. In almost every country on earth, people are getting older and pose similar challenges to societies.

It was therefore important to Hoffmann to first get to know concepts and approaches for a successful life in old age, including those in need of help and care , first in Europe and then worldwide , in order to develop strategies and innovative concepts for Germany.

1982–1985: Creation of the curriculum for the first degree course in social gerontology in Germany at the University of Kassel

1985: Initiator, co-founder and head of the "Hafa hamburger Association for training in the elderly " as the first continuing education institution in Germany, which is exclusively the subjects aging and elder care dedicated

1988–1994: Creation of the concept of the first two-year advanced training course for "management of outpatient and inpatient care facilities" in Germany

1995: Development of concepts and strategies for eating culture in the home together with Markus Biedermann, Switzerland

1989: Initiator and founding member of the "European Home Managers Association - EDE"

Initiator and organizer of the "1st European Home Manager Congress" in Berlin

1998: Creation of the only quality management system "IQM-Integrated Quality Management System" developed from the (elderly) care sector itself on the basis of the Canadian QM system Canadian Council on Health Care Accreditation (CCHSA)

2000–2006: Creation and implementation of the concept of one-year training and further education for the " everyday companion for people with dementia" in Hameln

2001: Development of the “Tönebön am Klüt” concept based on the “Retirement Village / Community” concept from Australia / New Zealand in Hameln

2006: Development of the “Tönebön am See” framework concept, the first “ dementia village ” in Germany

2007: Introduction of the “Abbeyfield House” concept from England and accompanying the implementation of this living and living concept for senior citizens as a GiA house (GiA = Together in old age) in Kassel

2006: Development of the concept of the “group house” for the dying in need of physical care ( palliative care ). demented and depressed old people in Kassel

2003–2006: Development of "IQM-Dementia", the first quality management system for facilities that have specialized in the care of elderly people who experience dementia (in cooperation with the German Expert Group on Dementia Care eV)

2007: Technical and scientific director of the "1st World Congress for Managers of Care Institutions", in Berlin

since 2007: Adviser to associations, organizations and operators of care facilities in the People's Republic of China on future-oriented concepts and strategies for better care for the elderly

Voluntary work

Hoffmann has been committed to impoverished and neglected old people in rural Cameroon since 2007. Seniors Aid Cameroon eV was founded in 2011. Since then he has been chairman of the association. The work of the association takes place in cooperation with local partners and aims to build up and support senior citizens' communities in rural Cameroon. In 2018, with the support of the association, the first eye care center was launched in Bambui / Cameroon.


Alfred Hoffmann is married and has two children.

Publications (selection)

  • A. Hoffmann: A year for the neighbor - or disguised unemployment. In: social magazine. Issue 2, Weinheim, 1978
  • M. Ebel, A. Hoffmann: Workshop seminar "Creative lifestyle in old age". In: Theory and Practice of Social Work. Volume 9, Bonn, 1981
  • A. Hoffmann: Legitimation and structure of the social gerontology course. In: Theory and Practice of Social Work. Issue 4, Bonn, 1989
  • A. Hoffmann, Radebold, H .: The postgraduate course in social gerontology at the Kassel University - University of the State of Hesse. In: Journal of Gerontology. Volume 4, Darmstadt, 1985
  • A. Hoffmann: Homes in transition. In: Current results and problems of age research - series of publications of the University of Hamburg. Hamburg, 1987
  • A. Hoffmann: Alzheimer's disease: progress through the coordinated supply chain. In: Geriatrics Practice. Issue 9/92, Munich, 1992
  • A. Hoffmann: Alzheimer's disease: The concept of “careful care”. In: Geriatrics Practice. Issue 10/92, Munich, 1992
  • A. Hoffmann: Global trends in the care industry. In: H. Blonski (Ed.): Quality management in geriatric care. Hagen, 1997
  • A. Hoffmann, Thomas Klie : Quality management in long-term care facilities. In: "Topic" series. Volume 146, Kuratorium Deutsche Altershilfe, Cologne 1999
  • A. Hoffmann, Th. Klie (Ed.): Geronto-psychiatric qualification in geriatric care. In: Series of publications by the Hamburg working group for advanced training in geriatric care. Hamburg, 1989
  • A. Hoffmann, Th. Klie (Ed.): The very old - a challenge to the social policy of the 90s in Europe. In: Series of publications by the Hamburg working group for advanced training in geriatric care. Hamburg, 1990
  • M. Biedermann, A. Hoffmann: Eating culture in the home. Vincentz Verlag, Hanover, 1995
  • M. Biedermann, A. Hoffmann: The home cook - food culture in the home. Vincentz Verlag, Hanover, 2005
  • Alfred T. Hoffmann, Jan Hesselink: Vergrijzing in Duitsland as maatschappelijke en individuele uitdaging. In: Geron, Tijdschrift over ouder Been & samenleving. Volume 3, Amsterdam, 2012
  • Alfred T. Hoffmann: Baby food and cold buffet - eating as a life story process. In: Dementia - the magazine. Issue 18, Hanover, 2013
  • Alfred T. Hoffmann: Chinese for Beginners - Practical Requirements for Integrating Nurses from Abroad - Using China as an Example. In: Dementia - the magazine. Issue 19, Hanover, 2013
  • Alfred T. Hoffmann: About the difficulties of importing "Abbeyfield" to Germany. In: Psychotherapy in old age. Issue 1, Giessen 2016

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alfred T. Hoffmann: Aging in community . In: CareInvest . No. October 22 , 2017.
  2. Home - Seniors Aid Cameroon eV Accessed on July 24, 2018 (German).