Alfredo Capelli

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Alfredo Capelli (born August 5, 1855 in Milan , † January 28, 1910 in Naples ) was an Italian mathematician who mainly dealt with algebra .

Capelli studied at the University of Rome with Giuseppe Battaglini, among others, with his degree in 1877. In his thesis, he proved the Sylow sentences independently of Ludwig Sylow and also the sentences of Ferdinand Georg Frobenius and William Burnside that were only published later . After graduating, he was assistant to Felice Casorati in Pavia and studied in Berlin with Karl Weierstrass and Leopold Kronecker . In 1881 he became professor of algebraic analysis at the University of Palermo as the successor to Cesare Arzelà . In 1886 he won the competition for the chair in algebra at the University of Naples .

He also wrote the Frattini argument in the theory of finite groups (he was friends with Giovanni Frattini and corresponded with him).

In 1886 he proved (in a book with Giovanni Garbieri ) the linear algebra theorem named after himself and Eugène Rouché : Ax = b has a solution if and only if the rank of A is equal to that of the matrix (A | b). In 1887 and 1890 he introduced the Capelli identities named after him between differential operators, which later became important in the representation theory of Lie algebras ( Hermann Weyl ).

He was a member of the Accademia dei Lincei , the Academy of Sciences in Palermo, Naples and the Lombard Academy of Sciences (Istituto Lombardo). In 1882 he received the Mathematics Prize of the Accademia dei XL .

After Battaglini's death in 1894 he became editor of the Giornale di matematiche.


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Individual evidence

  1. Published as Sopra l'isomorfismo dei gruppi di sostituzioni , Giornale di Matematiche, 16, 1878, 32–78
  2. ^ Capelli Sopra la composizione dei gruppi di sostituzioni , Atti della R. Accademia dei Lincei, Series 3, Volume 19, 1884