Alis Guggenheim

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Alis Guggenheim (born March 8, 1896 in Lengnau , † September 2, 1958 in Zurich ) was a Swiss sculptor and painter .


Alis Guggenheim was the daughter of Moses Guggenheim, a cattle dealer and head of the Lengnau Jewish community. In 1916 she opened a fashion salon in Zurich called the Salon des Modes . She met a Russian student and communist named Misha Berson, with whom she traveled to the Soviet Union in early 1919 . There she worked as a seamstress and became a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union . In 1920 she gave birth to her daughter Ruth (Ruth Guggenheim Heussler 1920–2009) and, after the failure of the relationship with Berson, traveled back to Switzerland. She reopened her salon and joined the Swiss Communist Party . Among her friends in Zurich were Richard Paul Lohse , Karl Geiser , Max Bill , Albert Ehrismann and Max Raphael .

In 1924 she converted her fashion salon into a studio and began working as a sculptor. She participated in the first exhibitions. In 1942 she moved to Muzzano in the canton of Ticino. There she cultivated the friendship with Lisa Tetzner and Kurt Held . In 1954 Alis Guggenheim received the art prize of the Swiss Association of Israelites , after which she had her first solo exhibition in Zurich and was financially successful. Her works were bought by the city, canton and federal government. She was best known for her pictures. In 1958 Alis Guggenheim died after a brief illness.

Some of her works can be seen at the Aargauer Kunsthaus and the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.


  • Susanne Gisel-Pfankuch: Alis Guggenheim. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . November 5, 2009 , accessed January 29, 2020 .
  • Angela Thomas : With an undisguised look. Report on three artists: Anna Baumann-Kienast, Alis Guggenheim, Sophie Taeuber-Arp . Bern: Benteli Verlag, 1991. (Catalog design: Max Bill.) ISBN 3-7165-0807-1 .
  • As if I myself stand naked in snow and rain ... : Alis Guggenheim, 1896-1958: Jewish, communist, artist / ed. from the Aargauer Kunsthaus Aarau; with contribution by Hans Heinz Holz ... [et al.]. Baden: L. Müller, cop. 1992. 199 S.: Ill.; Edited on the occasion of the exhibition Alis Guggenheim, 1896-1958, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, October 18 to November 22, 1992. ISBN 3906700534 (2nd edition 1996)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Lea Burger: Alis Guggenheim, Jewish, artist and communist. Retrieved September 7, 2019 .
  2. Urs Hobi: Guggenheim, Alis (Alice). In: Sikart