Alo Koll

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Alo Koll (born August 27, 1910 in Aachen ; † October 10, 1984 ibid) was a German composer, orchestra conductor and lecturer. His rhythmically varied and melodically demanding hits , created from 1953 onwards , met with a great response from the population of the GDR .


Alo Koll studied philology at the University of Cologne before turning entirely to music. He studied at the Leipzig Conservatory with Robert Teichmüller , Hermann Grabner and Max Hochkofler and was an accordionist in Gerd Natschinski's orchestra . He then worked as an arranger and pianist . In 1953 he formed a dance orchestra and was thus committed to studio productions for funk and record as well as countless guest performances. He made a career both as a conductor and as a composer. Many of the titles he recorded became record successes; Occasionally he went on excursions into jazz , around 1957 with the recording of Günter Hörig's piece Modern Harlequinade (with trumpeter Hans-Günther Werner as soloist). A number of very popular songs were created in close collaboration with the text interpreter Lutz Jahoda .

The Alo Koll Orchestra 1954

In 1955 Brigitte Rabald and Fips Fleischer sang accompanied by the Rundfunk-Tanzorchester Leipzig under Kurt Henkel's Ach, Fips du bist wie ein Apollo by Alo Koll (text: Johannes Kretzschmar ). Together with Wolfgang Gerhardt, the pianist in his orchestra, he wrote the popular instrumental title Promenadendixie in 1956 . In 1958 he set the text of Johannes Kretzschmar Das Herz einer Frau for Brigitte Rabald to music . In the same year he wrote after the words of Helmut Kießling I need so much tenderness for the singer.

With Willy Schüller as a copywriter, he wrote tears that fall (1959). As a composer in the field of entertainment music Koll is further provided with the Overture Heiterer opening , several concert waltz, a Spanish Zigeunertanz , a Habanera emerged and other works. At the same time he composed for stage works and compositions for film.

Between 1968 and 1975 Koll was head of the dance and popular music department at the Liszt School of Music in Weimar . For his work he was honored with the Art Prize of the City of Leipzig and other awards.

In 1982 he moved to the Federal Republic of Germany with his wife, the singer Brigitte Rabald (1934-2019), whom he married in 1956 .


The bet of Mister Fogg or the musical journey around the earth on water, on land - and even in the air, on the Route des Jules Verne , musical - text book by Helmut Bez , Jürgen Degenhardt - world premiere: September 30, 1971, musical comedy Leipzig

Lexical entry


  1. Musicians like Eberhard Leibling, Götz Geithner, Hans-Günter Werner, Helmut Meyenberg, Hermann Rudrich, Horst Graf, Klaus Bernau, Kurt Richter, Manfred Leucht, Rolf Wildenheim, Wolfgang Albrecht and Wolfgang Gerhardt belonged to his dance orchestra.
  2. Cf. Werner Sellhorn Jazz - GDR - Facts. Neunplus 1 Edition Kunst, Berlin 2005, p. 20f. The title was in the CD box Jazz in Germany from the Amiga archive 1947-1965 and in Music in Germany. Big bands re-released 1950-1970 .
  3. ↑ In 1962, Helmut Kießling helped create the text for the “bachelor song” behind the scenes.
  4. ^ Tarantella siciliana: Operetta in a prelude and three acts by Alo Koll; Franz Felder: music score; Language: German; Published by Berlin: Henschelverl., C 1963

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