Alphonso van Gèle

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Alphonso van Gèle

Alphonso van Gèle (also Alphonse Vangele ; born April 25, 1848 in Brussels ; † February 23, 1939 ibid) was a Belgian explorer of Africa .


Van Gèle joined the army in 1867 and went with a group from Zanzibar to the Congo in 1882 , where he became head of the newly established station at the Stanley Falls . In 1885 he made a second trip to the Congo, explored the Lupori , a tributary of the Lelongo , in 1887 , and in the same year pushed further east on the Mobangi via the Songo rapids reached by Grenfell in 1885 . Here he came in July 1890 to the Mokwangu Falls , above the mouth of the Mbomou , below 23 degrees east longitude . He thereby established the important geographical fact that the Mobangi is the lower reaches of the Uelle , which Junker had followed in February 1883 to the nearby island of Mutemu .


  • A. Engels: Vangele, Alphonse . In: Institut Royal Colonial Belge: Biography coloniale belge . Volume 2, Libraire Falk Fils [u. a.], Bruxelles 1951.
  • J.-P. Cuypers: Alphonse Vangele (1848-1939). D'après des documents inédits . In: Mémoires in-8 °. Nouvelle série 24.2. Académie royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer, Bruxelles 1960.
  • Alphonso van Gèle . In: Theodor Westrin (Ed.): Nordisk familjebok konversationslexikon och realencyklopedi . 2nd Edition. tape 9 : Fruktodling – Gossensass . Nordisk familjeboks förlag, Stockholm 1908, Sp. 880 (Swedish, ).

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