Altay Coşkun

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Altay Coşkun (born June 7, 1970 in Würselen ) is a German ancient historian .

Altay Coşkun is the son of a Turk and a German. He attended the municipal high school Herzogenrath and passed his Abitur there in 1989. Community service followed until 1990. He studied history, Latin, ancient Greek and Catholic theology at the University of Trier . In addition, Coşkun took an accompanying course in education . In 1993 he spent one semester at the University of Friborg . In 1996 he completed his studies with the state examination and then did his doctorate in Trier in ancient history with Heinz Heinen , the subject of the dissertation was historical-philological commentary on the Gratiarum actio of Decimius Magnus Ausonius . Between 1996 and 2000 he was a lecturer in classical philology in Trier, and in 1999 he was also a research assistant for ancient history. He received his doctorate in 1999, and in 2000 his work was awarded the Trier University Prize. From 2000 to 2002 Coşkun was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Oxford with the support of the German Academic Exchange Service and then until 2008 a research assistant in the sub-project “Rome's Foreign Friends” in the Collaborative Research Center “Foreignness and Poverty. Change of Inclusion and Exclusion Forms from Antiquity to the Present ”as well as lecturer for ancient history at Trier University. During that time he dealt with Roman foreign and civil rights policy. In 2007 he completed his habilitation with a thesis on the subject of From the 'Scourge of Asia' to 'pious' imperial residents. Studies on the political and social development of the Galatians with special consideration of the amicitia populi Romani and the divine veneration of Augustus (3rd century BC - 2nd century AD) in Trier. From January to July 2009 Coşkun conducted research as a “Feodor Lynen-Visiting Scholar” at the University of Exeter . Since summer 2009 he has been Associate Professor of Classical Studies at the University of Waterloo .

Coşkun researches, among other things, the history, numismatics , religious history and onomastics of Galatia in the Hellenistic and Roman times. He deals with Roman legal history and Roman foreign policy, the ancient cult of rulers, ancient constitutions, forms of rule and foreign policy.


  • The gens Ausoniana in power. Studies on Decimius Magnus Ausonius and his family (= Occasional publications of Linacre Unit for Prosopographical Research. Volume 8). Prosopographica et Genealogica, Oxford 2002, ISBN 1-900934-07-8 (= dissertation University of Trier 1999).
  • Edited with Heinz Heinen and Manuel Tröster: Rome's Foreign Friends in the Late Republic and in the Early Principate (= supplements to the Göttingen Forum for Classical Studies. Volume 19). Duehrkohp and Radicke, Göttingen 2005, ISBN 3-89744-252-3 .
  • Friendship and allegiance in the foreign relations of the Romans (2nd century BC - 1st century AD) (= inclusion, exclusion. Volume 9). Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main et al. 2008, ISBN 978-3-631-58424-8 .
  • Withdrawal of citizenship or deportation? Studies on the rights of Latins and other foreigners and on the change of civil rights in the Roman Republic (5th to early 1st century BC) (= Hermes individual writings. Volume 101). Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2009, ISBN 978-3-515-09303-3 .
  • Generous practice of granting citizenship in Rome? Between myth and reality (= treatises of the humanities and social sciences class of the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz. Year 2009, number 1). Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2009, ISBN 978-3-515-09350-7 .
  • Edited with Heinz Heinen and Stefan Pfeiffer: Representation of identity and belonging in the east of the Greco-Roman world (= inclusion, exclusion. Volume 14). Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main et al. 2009, ISBN 978-3-631-59994-5 .
  • Cicero and Roman Citizenship. Defense of the poet Archias. Introduction, text, translation and historical-philological commentary (= Vertumnus. Berlin contributions to classical philology and its neighboring areas. Volume 5). Edition Ruprecht, Göttingen 2010, ISBN 978-3-7675-3054-6 .

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