Amethyst class

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Améthyste- class
The pearl in May 2000
The pearl in May 2000
Ship data
country FranceFrance (national flag of the sea) France
Ship type Submarine
Shipyard Direction des Constructions Navales , Cherbourg
Construction period 1983 to 1993
Launch of the type ship May 14, 1988
Units built 2
period of service Since 1992
Ship dimensions and crew
73.6 m ( Lüa )
width 7.6 m
Draft Max. 6.4 m
displacement surfaced: 2,400 tn.l.
submerged: 2,600 tn.l.
crew 70 men
Machine system
machine K-48 pressurized water reactor (48 MW)
diesel engine (5 MW)
25 kn (46 km / h)
Mission data submarine
Duration of use 45 days
Immersion depth, max. 300 m

The two most recently built nuclear submarines of the French Rubis class , Améthyste and Perle , are referred to as the Améthyste class .

The Rubis class was originally designed for use against surface forces. The Améthyste class, on the other hand, specializes in hunting submarines . The more modern Améthyste class is 2.5 m longer and equipped with improved sonar and electronic equipment. In addition, the boats are quieter than those of the original construction.

Modernization of the Rubis class

The four older Rubis class submarines were modernized between 1989 and 1995 and raised to the technical level of the Améthyste class, which is why the term Améthyste class is sometimes used for all boats of the Rubis class:

  • Saphir was modernized between 1989 and 1991.
  • Rubis was modernized between 1992 and 1993.
  • Casabianca was modernized between 1993 and 1994.
  • Émeraude was modernized between 1994 and 1995.


  • Chris Chant: Modern submarines technology-tactics-armament , Motorbuchverlag, Stuttgart, 1st edition 2005, ISBN 3-7276-7150-5
  • Werner Globke (ed.): Weyers Flottentaschenbuch / Warships of the World - Fleet Handbook , Bernard & Graefe Verlag, Bonn, 66th year 2005-2007, ISBN 3-7637-4517-3

Web links

Commons : Rubis class  - collection of images, videos, and audio files


  1. Améthyste is the acronym for "AMElioration Tactique, HydrodYnamique, Silence, Transmission, Ecoute", which means "tactical, hydrodynamic, noise suppression and propulsion development". The name also stands for the gemstone amethyst . The Améthyste is the first French warship to bear this name.