American Kickboxer II

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German title American Kickboxer II
Original title American kickboxer 2
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1993
length 87 minutes
Age rating FSK 18
Director Jeno Hodi
script Paul Wolansky ,
Jeno Hodi
production David Hung
music Peter Thomas
camera Blain Brown
cut Tim Spring ,
Larry Maddox ,
Paul Wolansky

American Kickboxer II is an American martial arts film from director Jenö Hodi from 1993. Except for the title, the film has nothing to do with American Kickboxer - Blood Fighter ( American Kickboxer ) from 1991.


Susie, the eight-year-old daughter of Lillian and Howard, is kidnapped in broad daylight with the aid of a helicopter . Xavier, the leader of the kidnappers, demands a large ransom from Lillian, which she should get from her rich uncle. Although the kidnappers warn her not to call in the police, she turns to her ex-husband, Mike, a police officer. He had divorced Lillian when he found out about her affair with karate teacher David. Mike initially doesn't want anything to do with her, but then she tells him that either he or David is Susie's father.

When Mike and David meet, Mike loses his composure and a fierce fight develops. Both initially come to terms with each other and comb through the Los Angeles underworld together , but not without occasionally getting violent with each other. Before they can find Susie, however, they are captured by Xavier's henchman, Hammer.

In the meantime, Lillian discovers to her horror that her husband Howard is the mastermind behind the kidnapping and is in league with Xavier. He had only entered into the marriage to usurp the family fortune. Mike and David escape and save Susie. Arriving at Lillian's estate, Howard and his hired mercenaries are waiting for them. A fight ensues in the course of which the mercenaries are eliminated and Harold, who had taken the two under fire from a helicopter, is killed. Lillian escapes with Susie, but is provided by Xavier. In a scuffle between Lillian and Xavier, a shot is fired that fatally wounded him.


The role of Lillian was played by Kathy Shower , Playmate of 1986, who was able to translate her popularity into a brief B-movie film career. Dale Cook and Evan Lurie appeared in a number of martial arts films in the 1990s; Lurie could be seen in Concentrated Charge - Double Impact, among others. Director Jenö Hodi comes from Hungary .


"Kickboxing film for die-hard fans, which largely dispenses with a well thought-out plot in favor of its exhibition fights."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c American Kickboxer II. In: Lexicon of international films . Film service , accessed March 15, 2018 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used