Office Gehren

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The office of Gehren was an office in the Schwarzburg special houses suzerainty .

The office of Gehren was an imperial fiefdom and was created in 1564 when the office of Schwarzburg was split up . It originally consisted of the following places (individual settlements were only created later):

The places marked with (*) came to the Großbreitenbach judicial office after the office was dissolved .

1850 took place in the Principality of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen the separation of the jurisdiction of the administration . The administrative district of Arnstadt was now responsible for administration , while the Gehren Justice Office and the Grossbreitenbach Justice Office were responsible for the administration of justice .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans Eberhardt: The history of the organization of the authorities in Schwarzburg-Sondershausen; in: Journal of the Association for Thuringian History and Archeology, Supplement 28, Jena, 1943, p. 92, online
  2. ^ Law "because of the future establishment of the administration of justice" of April 3, 1850 ( collection of laws for the Principality of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, pp. 281-284 )