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City of Ilmenau
Coat of arms of Langewiesen
Coordinates: 50 ° 40 ′ 18 ″  N , 10 ° 58 ′ 28 ″  E
Height : 454 m
Area : 27.51 km²
Residents : 3057  (Jan. 1, 2019)
Population density : 111 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : 6th July 2018
Postal code : 98693
Area code : 03677
Langewiesen (Thuringia)

Location of Langewiesen in Thuringia

View of Langewiesen from Knieberg

Langewiesen is a district of the city of Ilmenau in the Ilm district in Thuringia . The place is in the Ilm valley on the northeastern edge of the Thuringian Forest , about two kilometers east of Ilmenau, the largest city in the district.

Langewiesen is one of the oldest places in the area and received town charter together with Gehren and Großbreitenbach in 1855 . If the place remained relatively small over the centuries, industrialization began to intensify from 1880 and Langewiesen developed into a small industrial town with numerous manufactories and small factories (especially in the wood, glass and porcelain industries). Since the political turnaround in 1990, Langewiesen has experienced an upswing with intermittent population growth ( suburbanization ) and the creation of spacious new commercial areas. Langewiesen particularly benefits from its proximity to Ilmenau and its Technical University , whose campus is right on the city limits. The southwestern village of Oehrenstock has also belonged to Langewiesen since 1994 . In the local dialect, Langewiesen is called Krabsch , at the same time the “Krabs”, depicting a raven, is also a kind of local mascot and namesake of the local day-care center.


Langewiesen lies in the Ilm valley on the northern edge of the Thuringian Forest . The area north of the village is part of the Paulinzella red sandstone hill country. In the southern mountains, porphyry dominates the geological picture. The city is elongated in a west-east direction in the valley at an altitude of about 450 meters.

The hills to the north reach a height of just over 500 meters and in the south the 808 meter high Hundsrück near the Dreiherrenstein is the highest point in the city limits. Other notable mountains are the Pferdeberg (805 meters) and the Kienberg (774 meters) in the Oehrenstock district in the southwest. The Tragberg (534 meters), the Rote Stein, the Kirchberg, the Knieberg (508 meters) and the Große Tragberg (588 meters) are right on the outskirts . The Burgstein , a quartz porphyry rock about ten meters high, is on Oberweg in the west of the city .

In addition to the Ilm , the most important rivers are the Schorte , which forms the western border to the Ilmenau urban area, and the Schobse , which runs as the eastern border to the Gehren urban area. The Lohme flows through the eastern part of the city, the Oehre flows through the district of Oehrenstock and the Rittersbach flows into the Ilm in the city center. There is also a mill ditch there. To the east of Langewiesen, the Herrenteiche are the largest body of water in the city, while the smaller Burkersteiche are to be found in the northwest. The Ilm floodplain forest lies west of Langewiesen .

The Langewiesener district is largely forested. While spruce forest dominates in the south, there is also mixed forest and spruce forest interspersed with pines in the north.


middle Ages

In 932 the name Langwizza appeared for the first time , which at that time referred to the Längwitzgau . This stretched along the Ilm from the Thuringian Forest to the area around Kranichfeld . Longewissen was also mentioned for the first time on July 25, 1198 . In 1204, Bohemian troops under King Ottokar I occupied the Längwitzgau as part of the controversy for the throne in Thuringia. Langewiesen was also devastated in this context. At that time the place belonged to the Erfurt possessions of the Archdiocese of Mainz , which the Counts of Schwarzburg enfeoffed with it. Langewiesen later became the property of Schwarzburg, which with interruptions remained until 1918. For example, a sale with repurchase rights from Schwarzburg to Witzleben has come down to us from 1408 . In the same year a city fire destroyed the church, among other things. In 1421 the village belonged to the Schwarzburg-Leutenberg line and was sold by this to Heinrich XXIV. Von Schwarzburg-Arnstadt . It stayed that way until 1918.

Early modern age

In 1489 Langewiesen was first referred to as a patch and in 1503 the place was also given the statutes of a city patch, so that the council had some rights, albeit to a lesser extent than with a city. This was accompanied by the establishment of various institutions, such as the school (1533), a pastor's office (1536) and fire protection (1611). On Peasants' War also farmers from Langewiesen took part, with which the city of Ilmenau and Königsee collected and against the Schwarzenburgerland in Arnstadt attracted. In Langewiesen there was a lordly domain and a manor that was last owned by the von Hopffgarten family . In the early modern period, the population lived from agriculture and handicrafts. The carting trade played a special role, trading as far as the large cities of northern Germany and Holland. The mining of brownstone and fluorspar also played a role. The economic profile was supplemented by glass grinding shops and the manufacture of wood products.

During the Thirty Years War there were repeated raids and looting, with the church being looted and robbed.

A big fire on May 15, 1675 destroyed around 350 buildings in Langewiesen, including the church. On July 23, 1681, there was another major fire in which 75 houses were destroyed by flames. Another fire on October 21, 1742 destroyed 46 buildings. On July 31, 1771 and July 19, 1772 there were also major fires that destroyed 76 and 47 structures, respectively. In addition, a famine in 1770 made life difficult for the citizens, 178 Langewiesener died as a result.

Johann Sebastian Bach , who was organist in Arnstadt at the time, visited Langewiesen in 1706 to test the new organ in the Liebfrauenkirche.

19th century

City charter from 1855

On February 8, 1855, the town of Langewiesen, together with Gehren and Großbreitenbach, was granted town charter by the Counts of Schwarzburg, thus completing the legal town building process. The 19th century was also shaped by the actual development from a town shaped by handicrafts to a small industrial town. For example, a post office was opened in 1864 and the volunteer fire department was founded in 1865 . In 1867 the school received a new building.

The next big turning point in the city's history was the opening of the Ilmenau – Großbreitenbach railway on December 12, 1881. Originally, this line was supposed to be connected to the railway line to Saalfeld in Königsee , but this never happened. However, the line to Ilmenau was enough to give the city a considerable economic boom. In the following years numerous factories were founded, especially in the areas of the glass, porcelain and wood industries, such as the Schlegelmilch porcelain factory in 1892. The population rose steadily. Further municipal institutions emerged, so in 1925 the Realschule was opened as the first higher school. In 1902 it was connected to the long-distance water network and in 1924 to the electricity network.

20th century

After Langewiesen had been part of the newly founded German Empire since 1871 , it still belonged to the Principality of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen ( Oberherrschaft ), one of the small states in Thuringia. For centuries, the nearby border on the course of the Schorte separated the Henneberg, later Saxon, city of Ilmenau and the Schwarzburg city of Langewiesen, which belonged to the Gehren district . It was only after the abdication of the monarchs in Germany in 1918 that plans to found a state of Thuringia were pushed ahead. In 1920 seven Thuringian states merged to form a free state. When the Arnstadt district was founded in 1922 , the centuries-old border between the neighboring towns of Langewiesen and Ilmenau fell away.

The town hall burned down on October 12, 1931 and was replaced by a new building by 1935. The Social Democratic Mayor Hermann Worch , who had been in office since July 1925 and vigorously opposed National Socialist actions against the republic, was deposed in July 1933 and emigrated to Prague. The family who remained in Germany were arrested by the authorities. In 1945 the politician Hermann Brill wrote in the plan for the development of the administration in Thuringia that officials from Langewiesen reported to him that in the first time after the Nazis came to power in Langewiesen, because the city's workers were still left-wing Parties voted.

During the Second World War , 79 Eastern workers had to do forced labor at the Franz Schwabe & Co. company . However, there was no destruction in Langewiesen during World War II.

The first years of the post-war period were characterized by supply bottlenecks. In addition, numerous displaced persons and refugees had to be accommodated. At the same time, the emigration to West Germany began, which was only stopped by the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961. In 1952, as part of the centralization efforts in the newly founded GDR , an administrative reform took place. The state of Thuringia and the district of Arnstadt were dissolved; Langewiesen has now been assigned to the Ilmenau district in the Suhl district .

The GDR era was marked by economic changes. Companies were nationalized and combined into larger units. Large combines emerged in the cities, while old farms in the countryside were shut down. Investments in these smaller companies were also often not made. This process was followed by an emigration of the population to the new prefabricated building areas of the cities. In Langewiesen this led to a steady population decline during the GDR era.

After the reunification in 1990, the old industry collapsed completely. However, there was also an upswing in the 1990s, when new companies emerged that settled in the new industrial areas in the north and east of the city. At the same time, there was a brief wave of suburbanization , which led to some Ilmenau residents building their own homes in Langewiesen, which increased the population. While this process ended around the year 2000, the economy continues to grow. In 2008, work began on building the Ehrenberg Ost industrial park right on the city limits next to the Ilmenau University of Technology campus . However, the new settlements have so far not been enough to fully compensate for the structural unemployment that arose after reunification.

In 1994 there was another regional reform. The Ilmenau district was merged with the Arnstadt district to form the new Ilm district . In addition, the southwestern village of Oehrenstock became a district of the town of Langewiesen.

Dissolution and integration in Ilmenau

Due to the regional reform of Thuringia in 2018 and 2019 , negotiations were initiated by the city of Ilmenau about an integration into this very same. However, this was rejected by the city council and the aim of merging with Gehren and the community of Wolfsberg was sought. However, after both of them voted for joining Ilmenau, a referendum was held in which 73 percent of the votes voted for incorporation into Ilmenau. The city council then decided to incorporate it into Ilmenau, which was implemented on July 6, 2018.

Population development

For a long time Langewiesen remained a medium-sized village with around 1000 inhabitants. The population grew as early as the 19th century, so that when it was connected to the railway network in 1881 it was already around 2000 people. After that the industry was able to develop well and it started to grow rapidly, so that the population doubled again to 4000 inhabitants by around 1920. When resettlers came to Langewiesen after the Second World War, a high of around 6,000 people was reached around 1950. During the GDR era, the population sank considerably because: especially in the Thuringian Forest: rural exodus began. Shortly before reunification, around 3,600 people lived in Langewiesen, after which a rapid decline set in before a wave of suburbanization brought a slight increase in population in the mid-1990s . In addition, the number of inhabitants increased due to the incorporation of Oehrenstock in 1994. In 2000, a high point was reached with around 3800 inhabitants, and since then the population has decreased slightly.

Development of the population (from 1994 to December 31st) :

  • 1533: 0800
  • 1816: 1140
  • 1833: 1349
  • 1836: 1449
  • 1840: 1504
  • 1841: 1460
  • 1843: 1499
  • 1852: 1570
  • 1871: 1682
  • 1875: 1781
  • 1880: 2008
  • 1885: 2161
  • 1890: 2353
  • 1895: 2792
  • 1900: 3192
  • 1905: 3500
  • 1910: 3814
  • 1925: 4188
  • 1933: 4369
  • 1939: 4405
  • 1955: 6000
  • 1970: 4587
  • 1977: 4290
  • 1987: 3680
  • 1994: 3658
  • 1995: 3682
  • 1996: 3675
  • 1997: 3680
  • 1998: 3745
  • 1999: 3779
  • 2000: 3801
  • 2001: 3758
  • 2002: 3729
  • 2003: 3762
  • 2004: 3746
  • 2005: 3689
  • 2006: 3632
  • 2007: 3614
  • 2008: 3630
  • 2009: 3547
  • 2010: 3555
  • 2011: 3499
  • 2012: 3460
  • 2013: 3439
  • 2014: 3472
  • 2015: 3501
  • 2016: 3544
Data source from 1994 to 2016: Thuringian State Office for Statistics


District Council

The district council for Langewiesen was elected for the first time in the local elections in Thuringia on May 26, 2019. Before that, the former members of the town council of Langewiesen had acted as local councilors since the incorporation into Ilmenau.

The district council has 10 members and the district mayor.

Town hall of the city of Langewiesen


The following table shows the results of the last elections in Langewiesen. The table contains all parties that have received more than 5% of the vote. In the case of state parliament and federal parliament elections, it is the second share of the vote.

Political party Parliament Bundestag European Parliament
1999 2004 2009 2002 2005 2009 1999 2004 2009
59.9% 53.5% 48.8% 70.4% 68.0% 56.9% 58.5% 53.4% 48.8%
CDU 53.2% 44.3% 27.8% 30.3% 26.6% 32.3% 41.9% 37.7% 28.6%
SPD 17.7% 14.0% 22.5% 39.8% 29.1% 19.4% 28.2% 16.6% 19.6%
left 22.2% 29.6% 29.1% 18.1% 26.5% 27.0% 22.2% 26.7% 24.1%
FDP 0.9% 2.3% 5.4% 5.1% 6.8% 9.4% 0.6% 4.0% 7.1%
Green 0.9% 3.6% 5.6% 3.7% 4.7% 5.3% 1.2% 4.5% 4.4%

Between 2.5 and 5 percent achieved: DVU (3.2% - Landtag 1999), Free Voters (4.5% - Landtag 2009), NPD (3.6% - Landtag 2009; 4.4% - Bundestag 2005; 2.5% - Bundestag 2009), pirates (3.3% - Bundestag 2009), family party (3.9% - Europe 2009)

Mayor / district mayor

Long-term full-time mayor was Horst Brandt (SPD) from 1990 to 2018. After leaving office on June 30, 2018, Wolfram Lortsch was initially acting mayor and, after the incorporation into Ilmenau, acting mayor for the districts of Langewiesen and Oehrenstock on July 6, 2018. He was officially elected to this office for a shortened term on October 21, 2018.

On May 26, 2019, during the local elections in Thuringia , a new district mayor was also appointed for Langewiesen. This is no longer responsible for Oehrenstock at the same time. The only candidate Ines Wagner (SPD) was elected for a five-year term of office with 85.6% of the valid votes cast.

coat of arms

Coat of arms Langewiesen.PNG

The coat of arms was approved on September 30, 1993.

Blazon : "In gold, St. Margaret with a silver dress, red robe and golden crown standing on a green hill, holding a black cross-staff in her right hand."

A first SIGIL. LONG. WESEN from the 15th century shows a crowned female figure with a cross staff, which can be interpreted as St. Margaret , who was probably the patron saint of the older church in Langewiesen. Later seal engravers made a male figure out of it, in which one wants to recognize St. Kilian , the patron saint of a monastery that stood in today's Mönchstrasse. After the reunification, the old coat of arms (executed in a different tincture) was used again.

The coat of arms was designed by the heraldist Frank Diemar .


Langewiesen maintains partnerships with the Hessian community of Schöffengrund near Wetzlar (since 1992), with Chauray in western France , a suburb about eight kilometers northeast of Niort in the Deux-Sèvres department, and with the Canadian city of Cap-Rouge , about twelve kilometers southwest of Québec on the Sankt-Lorenz- Electricity .

Culture and sights

City Church
Swan fountain in the market

The center of Langewiesen is characterized by old residential buildings. Compared to other places in the Thuringian Forest, the main street is quite wide; the market square, the town church and the town hall are also located on it.


The church is the most important architectural monument in Langewiesen. It is located west of the market square, is dedicated to St. Mary and the fourth church building at this point. It is an aisle church that was built between 1675 and 1680 on the remains of a previous Gothic building. The church tower was not completed until 1715. The first church was destroyed in a fire in 1408. The second church was replaced by a new building in 1610, which in turn was destroyed in the town fire on May 16, 1675. Two galleries have been drawn into the interior. The organ comes from the workshop of Schulze from Paulinzella and comprises 18 registers, 2 manuals and pedals. The ringing includes four bells, a bronze bell from 1731 and three steel bells from 1919. The linden trees in front of the church were planted in 1688 for fire protection.

In addition to the town church, the cemetery church and the church in Oehrenstock also belong to the Protestant parish of Langewiesen. Until 1618 the Langewiesener Kirche was a subsidiary church of Gehren . Until the introduction of the Reformation, it was under the Sedes Alkersleben in the Archdeaconate Erfurt of the Diocese of Mainz .

The cemetery church is dedicated to Saint Peter and was built in 1606 in the Renaissance style. Its predecessor was a pilgrimage church of the Paulinzella monastery .

The Langewiesen town hall was built in 1935 in the form of neoclassicism with stylistic influences of classical modernism (roof gable).

In the house where the writer Wilhelm Heinse was born, south of the market square, a museum has been set up that deals with his life and the history of the town. There you will also find the city library, which contains around 10,000 volumes, and a Gutenberg press . A memorial in Heinsepark on the Ilm also commemorates Heinse.

In the Schortetal, about three kilometers southwest of the city, the Volle Rose mine is located in a former spar mine.

Since 1958 a memorial stone at the entrance to the Knieberg has commemorated four unknown concentration camp prisoners who were murdered by SS men in the spring of 1945 .


The markets in Langewiesen have gained regional recognition. The Easter market takes place annually on the weekend before Easter. The fountains and the city center are decorated with Easter. There is a market for Thanksgiving, which mainly sells regional food. The Christmas market takes place on the second Advent and mainly offers handicrafts.

Economy and Infrastructure

The economy has developed positively in recent years
The Langewiesener Bahnhof (closed since 1998)

Over the centuries Langewiesen was an agricultural and craft village with around 1000 inhabitants. In the 19th century, industrialization began, which ensured that the village grew into a city. After the construction of the Ilmenau – Großbreitenbach railway in 1881, an economic boom began. The porcelain (e.g. Schlegelmilch porcelain factory ), glass and wood processing factories were established and Langewiesen developed in the following 60 years into an industrial place with at times over 5,000 inhabitants. During this time, Thermos AG moved its production facility from Berlin to Langewiesen in 1927 . The original thermos bottles were produced here until 1994 . During the GDR era, the economy stagnated and after reunification, the old industries collapsed. In the 1990s, generous commercial areas were developed in the north and east of the city (in episodes I, II and III), which since then have mainly been used by small and medium-sized companies. Other industrial areas are located in the old industrial area on Oberweg and on Ehrenberg on the Ilmenau city limits, right next to the Technical University . The two largest companies at the moment are QSIL GmbH Quarzschmelze Ilmenau with 130 employees and I. Raesch Novo-Quarz GmbH with around 65 employees, both of whom are active in the field of glass processing. In regional spatial planning, Langewiesen and Ilmenau form a space with a tendency towards densification.

In total there were seven industrial companies in Langewiesen in 2008 with more than 20 employees, which together employed 432 people. In 2000 there were only six with a total of 290 employees. In 2008 sales totaled EUR 51.26 million, in 2000 it was EUR 40.85 million. The tax revenue in 2007 was 1,878,420 euros or 520 euros per capita. Of this, 1,133,010 million was due to trade tax. In 2000, the tax revenue was 688,700 euros (182 euros per capita), of which only 158,853 euros came from trade tax. In 2003, Langewiesen received € 1,208,695 in the municipal financial equalization scheme; in 2009 it was only € 659,550. The total income of the city in 2008 was 4,272,164 euros, the expenditure was 4,767,383 euros. In 2000 it was € 4,773,996 in income and € 5,566,030 in expenses. In 2008, Langewiesen's debt was EUR 3.77 million or EUR 1,038 per capita. In 2004 it was 4.63 million euros or 1237 euros per capita.

Langewiesen is on the B 88 , which connects Ilmenau to Rudolstadt and Saalfeld via Gehren and Königsee . Other roads lead to Wümbach and the district of Oehrenstock . Between 1881 and 1998 Langewiesen had a rail connection on the Ilmenau – Großbreitenbach line . The high-speed line from Nuremberg to Erfurt has been in operation since December 2017 . This runs one kilometer east of Langewiesen on the Ilm valley bridge over the Ilm valley before the Tragberg tunnel joins the south-eastern Langewiesener local corridor. The Ilm Valley Bridge is the longest bridge in Thuringia with a length of 1681 meters. A bypass of the B88, which leads north around Langewiesen to the federal motorway 71 , was opened in 2012.

Langewiesen lies on the Ilm Valley Cycle Path .


Memorial plaque at the Heins monument

People who were born in Langewiesen

More people

Honorary citizen

The city of Langewiesen has so far awarded three people honorary citizenship:

  • 1928, November 2nd: Friedrich Eck , on the occasion of 25 years of membership in the city council
  • 1976, May 29th: Hans Rinn , in recognition of his sporting successes
  • 1993, June 11th: Erich Krauss, in recognition of his research on local history

Individual evidence

  1. Official Gazette of the City of Ilmenau 02/2019. City of Ilmenau, March 8, 2019, p. 10 , accessed April 23, 2019 .
  2. Udo Wohlfeld: The Worch case - a family is destroyed. Mother and daughter as hostages in the Bad Sulza concentration camp. (= caught in the net. wanted. 3) Edited by the Geschichtswerkstatt Weimar / Apolda eV, Weimar 2000, ISBN 3-935275-02-1
  3. Thuringian Association of the Persecuted of the Nazi Regime - Association of Antifascists and Study Group of German Resistance 1933–1945 (ed.): Heimatgeschichtlicher Wegweiser to places of resistance and persecution 1933–1945, series: Heimatgeschichtliche Wegweiser Volume 8 Thüringen, Erfurt 2003, p. 147 , ISBN 3-88864-343-0
  4. City councilor of Langewiesen approves integration into Ilmenau . January 25, 2017 ( [accessed December 18, 2017]).
  5. Gehren enters accession negotiations with Ilmenau . July 15, 2016 ( [accessed December 18, 2017]).
  6. 46 Thuringian communities are to merge in the summer . December 18, 2017 ( [accessed December 18, 2017]).
  7. Article in the Thüringer Allgemeine , accessed on June 22, 2018
  8. Thuringian Law and Ordinance Gazette No. 7 2018 of July 5, 2018 , accessed on July 6, 2018
  9. ^ Ilmenau - district council elections . Retrieved June 21, 2019 .
  10. The Regional Returning Officer
  11. City administration Ilmenau: Official Gazette of the City of Ilmenau - Official announcement for the municipal elections on October 21, 2018 in the City of Ilmenau . No. 11/2018 , October 26, 2018, p. 6 .
  12. ^ Elections in Thuringia. Retrieved June 21, 2019 .
  13. New Thuringian Wappenbuch Volume 2, page 15; Publisher: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Thüringen eV 1998 ISBN 3-9804487-2-X
  14. City of Langewiesen: Thermos, accessed on October 1, 2013 ( Memento of the original from October 4, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  15. Data source: Thuringian State Office for Statistics
  16. Information on Erich Krauss on ( Memento of the original from May 25, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links

Commons : Langewiesen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files