Anastasios Quaestor

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Anastasios Quaestor ( Greek  Αναστάσιος κυαίστωρ ; * 2nd half of the 9th century in the Byzantine Empire ; † 1st half of the 10th century there ), also under the nickname " Τραυλός " ("Stammler") or " Καμψάκης " ("Krug") ) known, was a Byzantine poem writer who lived at the time of Emperor Leon VI. (886-912) lived.


Anastasios Quaestor wrote a letter to Leon Choirosphaktes in 906 and was probably still active in 921/22. He wrote with approval, perhaps even on behalf of Leon VI. - who was very interested in liturgical questions in the broadest sense -, a number of church poems, including verses about the crucifix , acoluths (mainly Heirmoi) for the feasts of the Ὑπαπαντή (on February 2nd), the Βαΐα (on Palm Sunday ), the Birth of John the Baptist (June 24th), the martyr Agathonikos (August 22nd), Easter and Εὐαγγελισμός (March 25th) as well as a canon on Eubiotus and Philetairos . He is also - certainly rightly - the author of an enkomion on Agathonikos and an epitaph on Metrophanes of Smyrna . The canon of penance provided with the acrostic poem " Ἀναστασίου ἁμαρτωλοῦ ἐξομολόγησις ", on the other hand, can hardly be attributed to him, and even the famous dead contact , as Constantine A. Trypanis finally proved, cannot come from him.


  • Letter to Leon Choirosphaktes: Ioannes Sakkelion in: Δελτίον τῆς ἱστορικῆς καὶ ἐθνολογικῆς ἑταιρίας τῆς Ἑλλάδος 1, 1883/4, p. 407; Georges Kolias: Léon Choerosphactès . Athens 1939, p. 93 (with French translation)
  • About the Crucifixus: Hermann Beckby : Anthologia Graeca IV 2, Munich 1958, p. 282 (XV 28, with German translation)
  • Akoluthien or Heirmoi: Athanasios Papadopoulos-Kerameus in: Vizantijski Vremennik 7, 1900, pp. 43–59, here pp. 45–59
  • Canon on Eubiotus and Philetairos: Albrecht Berger in: Νέα Ῥώμη 3, 2006, pp. 165–180, here pp. 173–180
  • Enkomion auf Agathonikos: Gulielmus van Hooff in: Analecta Bollandiana 5, 1886, pp. 397-415
  • Epitaph on Metrophanes von Smyrna: Silvio Giuseppe Mercati , in: Byzantinische Zeitschrift 30, 1929/30, pp. 54–60, here p. 60 (reprint in: ders .: Collectanea Byzantina . Vol. 1, Bari 1970, p. 443 –451, here p. 450)
  • Canon of penance: Jean-Baptiste Pitra : Iuris Ecclesiastici Graecorum Historia et Monumenta II . Rom 1868 (reprinted 1963), pp. 281-285
  • Dead-kontakion (from an older Anastasios coming): Jean-Baptiste Pitra: Analecta Sacra spicilegio Solesmensi parata I . Paris 1876 (reprinted by Farnborough 1966), pp. 242-249 and Trypanis 55-64


  • Dictionnaire d'histoire et de geographie ecclésiastiques .
  • Lexicon for theology and the church .
  • S. Pétrides: Les deux mélodes du nom dʼAnastase . In: Revue de l'Orient Chrétien 6, 1901, pp. 444–452, here pp. 449–452.
  • Hans-Georg Beck : Church and theological literature in the Byzantine Empire . Beck, Munich 1959 (reprint 1977), pp. 446, 605.
  • Alan Cameron : The Greek Anthology from Meleager to Planudes . Oxford 1993, pp. 311-313.
  • E. Papaeliopulu-Photopulu: Ταμεῖον ἀνεκδότων βυζαντινῶν ᾀσματικῶν κανόνων . Vol. 1, Athens 1996, No. 3, pp. 18, 271, 276, 336, 392 and 441 (7 unedited canons).
  • Marc Lauxtermann : Three biographical notes . In: Byzantinische Zeitschrift 91, 1998, pp. 391–405, here pp. 401–405.
  • Marc Lauxtermann: Byzantine Poetry from Pisides to Geometres (Texts and Contexts) . Vol. 1, Vienna 2003, pp. 28, 101, 108, 110–111, 135–136, 197.
  • Albrecht Berger : The canon of Anastasios Kyaistor on Eubiotus and Philetairos. In: Νέα Ῥώμη 3, 2006, pp. 165–180, here pp. 165–166.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ So M. Lauxtermann
  2. See Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca 42.
  3. ^ Constantine A. Trypanis: Fourteen Early Byzantine Cantica. Vienna 1968, pp. 51-53.