Anba Epiphanius

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Anba Epiphanius (born June 27, 1954 in Tanta , Egypt , † July 29, 2018 in the Monastery of Saint Makarios , Egypt ) was a Coptic Orthodox bishop and abbot of the Monastery of Saint Makarios .


Anba Epiphanius, also Epiphanios El Makarii, first studied medicine. In 1984 he entered the Monastery of Saint Makarius and became a monk on April 21, 1984 . After his theological training, he was ordained a priest on October 17, 2002. He was ordained bishop on March 10, 2013 by Patriarch Tawadros II .

Anba Epiphanius was elected abbot by the approximately 100 monks of the monastery in February 2013. The Monastery of Saint Makarios is a Coptic Orthodox monastery in the Sketian Desert , al-Buhaira Governorate , about 92 km northwest of Cairo , on the highway between Cairo and Alexandria.

Anba Epiphanius was a student and spiritual son as well as a great admirer of the Egyptian monk Matta al-Maskin (1919-2006), who built the Makarios monastery in the sparsely populated Deir Abu Maqar and was an advocate of a modern Coptic Orthodox theology and with monks initiated a sustained ecclesiastical renewal movement.

Epiphanius himself published several important works, such as a translation of the Book of Moses (Genesis) from the ancient Greek language into the Arabic language and the Basilius Anaphora , an early church Eucharistic prayer . The ancient Greek / Arabic translation of the 2nd Book of Moses (Exodus) and the Liturgical Gregorian chant are currently in print . He has participated in many local and international symposia, conferences or seminars on the Coptic Church . He was a member of Pro Oriente , a working group of Christian churches with the aim of promoting relations between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox churches.


On July 29, 2018, Anba Epiphanius was found dead in the monastery. The cause of death is suspected to be murder by being hit with a heavy pointed object. The monastery remains closed until the case is resolved.

Individual evidence

  1. Gudrun Sailer: Egypt: Coptic Abbot found dead. on Vatican News of July 30, 2018
  2. ANBA EPIPHANIUS THE NEO-HIEROMARTYR by Ramez Rizkalla . In: ORTHODOXY IN DIALOGUE . August 2, 2018 ( [accessed August 4, 2018]).
  3. See Orthodoxia 2016–2017, Münster 2016, p. 75.
  4. a b c Mariam Farouq: "Anba Epiphanius, Abbot of St Macarius's, passes away" , Watani from July 29, 2018 (English)
  5. ANBA EPIPHANIUS THE NEO-HIEROMARTYR by Ramez Rizkalla . In: ORTHODOXY IN DIALOGUE . August 2, 2018 ( [accessed August 4, 2018]).
  6. ^ "Pro Oriente" concerned about the murder of the Coptic abbishop. kathpress from July 30, 2018
  7. Coptic Bishop Epiphanius killed. of July 30, 2018