Andinobates victimatus

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Andinobates victimatus
Subordination : Neobatrachia
Superfamily : Dendrobatoidea
Family : Poison Dart Frogs (Dendrobatidae)
Subfamily : Dendrobatinae
Genre : Andinobates
Type : Andinobates victimatus
Scientific name
Andinobates victimatus
Márquez , Mejía-Vargas , Palacios-Rodríguez , Ramírez-Castañeda & Amézquita , 2017

Andinobates victimatus belongs to the poison dart frog . The frog species lives in the tropical rainforests in the extreme northwest of Colombia in the region around the Gulf of Urabá . It was first described in 2017.


Andinobates victimatus belongs to the species group around Andinobates fulguritus , but differs from the green to yellowish striped representatives of this species group by its uniform scarlet color that extends over the limbs. The tips of the fingers and toes are light gray. There are no back stripes in adult specimens, only in the juvenile stages up to about three months of age are there signs of vermilion longitudinal stripes. The belly is also scarlet, but shows irregular large spots from pale red to black.

A reticulated drawing, as can be seen on the legs of most species of the related genus Ranitomeya , is missing. Andinobates victimatus differs from the similarly uniform, but orange colored species Andinobates geminisae from Panama mainly by the scarlet color and the distinct abdominal spots.

With an average head-torso length of less than 15 millimeters, the species is smaller than other species of Andinobates , only Andinobates geminisae remains smaller on average.

Andinobates victimatus clearly differs from the frogs native to the same area through the calls of the males during courtship . From the ground or a small hill, the male makes very short, whirring sounds, which also differ in pitch from other species of the Andinobates fulguritus group.

Molecular genetic investigations showed sufficient differences in the genes of the mitochondrial DNA between A. victimatus and the closest related species A. fulguritus to consider species differentiation to be sufficiently certain.

An anatomical feature that is characteristic of all Andinobates species is two fused vertebrae.

distribution and habitat

Andinobates victimatus occurs in the tropical rainforests of the Urabá region west of the Paramillo massif in northwestern Colombia. The species lives in the foothills of the Andes near the Atlantic coast at an altitude between 200 and 600 meters above sea level. The type locality is in the Antioquia department , but the distribution area could extend as far as Tierralta in the Córdoba department . Museum specimens are known from this region that resemble Andinobates victimatus , but were determined as Andinobates opisthomelas before this species was first described . Andinobates opisthomelas does not usually occur at altitudes below 1100 meters.


The species name victimatus comes from Latin and means "sacrificed". The intention of the first person to describe it was to use this name to draw attention to the many armed conflicts in the border area between Colombia and Panama, where this frog occurs. Even in the 21st century, the fighting with guerrilla groups there claim numerous innocent victims.


According to the estimates of the first descriptors, the range of Andinobates victimatus is no larger than 5000 square kilometers. This makes this species susceptible to disturbance caused by legal and illegal mining in the area. In addition, there is the clearing of the rainforests for the cultivation of banana trees on large plantations .

The largest part of the distribution area is around the Parque Nacional Natural Paramillo , a protected area with an area of ​​around 460,000 hectares, but which mainly includes the heights of the Paramillo massif over 700 meters. It is not known whether Andinobates victimatus occurs in this national park, and whether it can colonize habitats at this altitude.

According to current knowledge, the way as if ( "high risk" endangered ) to the hazard categories of the IUCN classified.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Roberto Márquez, Daniel Mejía-Vargas, Pablo Palacios-Rodríguez, Valeria Ramírez-Castañeda & Adolfo Amézquita: A new species of Andinobates (Anura: Dendrobatidae) from the Urabá region of Colombia . Zootaxa, 4290, 3, pp. 531–546, 2017 doi : 10.11646 / zootaxa.4290.3.7 (first description)
  2. a b Jason L. Brown et al .: A taxonomic revision of the Neotropical frog genus Ranitomeya (Amphibia: Dendrobatidae). Zootaxa, 3083, pp. 1-120, 2011
  3. Werner Marti: In the grip of the new armed gangs in Colombia. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . September 29, 2011. Retrieved September 29, 2011 .


  • Roberto Márquez, Daniel Mejía-Vargas, Pablo Palacios-Rodríguez, Valeria Ramírez-Castañeda & Adolfo Amézquita: A new species of Andinobates (Anura: Dendrobatidae) from the Urabá region of Colombia . Zootaxa, 4290, 3, pp. 531–546, 2017 doi : 10.11646 / zootaxa.4290.3.7 (first description)

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