Andrea I. Muzaka

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Andrea I. Muzaka (also Andreas Musachi ; † 1319 ) was an Albanian prince.


Andrea Muzaka came from the distinguished, in central Albania wealthy noble family Muzaka . His relative Gjon Muzaka fought in 1279 as an ally of the Byzantine emperor Michael VIII. Palaiologos against the expansion efforts of Charles I of Naples , who in 1272 founded a short-lived Regnum Albaniae around the important port city of Durrës (Dyrrhachion). Andrea Muzaka became a vassal of Charles, who gave him the title of "Royal Marshal of Albania".

After the extensive expulsion of the Anjou from Albania (1281) by a coalition of Byzantines and local Albanian forces, Andrea Muzaka established a de facto independent territorial rule that included the Myzeqe area, later named after the family, west of Berat between the Devoll and Vjosa rivers . Since he had the high Byzantine court title of Sebastokrator , he was apparently formally recognized by Emperor Andronikos II as governor of central Albania. In alliance with the Byzantines, Muzaka also withstood the Serbs , who under King Stefan Uroš II Milutin attacked from the north to Albania. His grandson Andrea II. Muzaka expanded the rule of the family in central Albania from 1335 to the Principality of Muzakaj .


Andrea I. had two sons:

See also


  • Ferit Duka: Muzakajt - Lidhëz e fuqishme midis kohëve paraosmane dhe osmane. (The Muzakas - a powerful link between the Preottoman and Ottoman Time.) In: Historical Studies. Vol. 1-2, 2004, ISSN  0563-5799 , pp. 7-17.
  • Божидар Ферјанчић: Севастократори у Византији. In: Зборник радова Византолошког института. Vol. 11, 1968, ISSN  0584-9888 , pp. 141-192 ( PDF file; 4.0 MB ), here: pp. 189-190.
  • John Van Antwerp Fine: The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest . University of Michigan Press, 1994, ISBN 978-0-472-08260-5 (English, online preview in Google Book Search).
  • Charles Hopf : Chroniques gréco-romanes inédites ou peu connues . Weidmann, Berlin 1873, p. 278–280 (Italian, ).
  • Oliver Jens Schmitt : The Venetian Albania (1392–1479) (= Southeast European works. Vol. 110). Oldenbourg, Munich 2001, ISBN 3-486-56569-9 , p. 196, 225-234 passim .

Web links


  1. Duka, Muzakajt , p. 7 f.
  2. ^ Fine, Late Medieval Balkans , p. 415.
  3. Ферјанчић, Севастократори, p. 190.
  4. ^ Rosario Jurlaro: I Musachi, despoti d'Epiro . Edizioni del Centro Librario, Bari, p. 59 (Italian, [PDF; accessed on March 2, 2018]).
  5. ^ Giovanni Schirò: Rapporti tra l'Epiro e il Regno Delle Due Sicilie. Tipografia Del Giornale Letterario, Palermo 1834, here: p. 144 ( full text in the Google book search).