Andreas Austilat

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Andreas Austilat, 2013

Andreas Austilat (born April 4, 1957 in Berlin-Lichterfelde ) is a German journalist and author . He is a reporter for the daily newspaper  Der Tagesspiegel .


Austilat grew up as the son of the commercial employee Harry Austilat and his wife Ingeborg, geb. Schwarz, in Berlin-Lichterfelde. From 1963 to 1969 he attended the Schweizerhof elementary school in Berlin-Zehlendorf . He continued his school career at the Droste-Hülshoff-Gymnasium in the same district, where he passed the Abitur in June 1975. He then worked as a tutor in the school psychological counseling center in Zehlendorf. In April 1976 Austilat began to study German and history at the Pedagogical University in Berlin . In the course of the university integration , Austilat moved to the Technical University of Berlin in 1980 , where he graduated on June 1, 1982 with the first state examination in both subjects. Austilat used the waiting time for the desired teaching profession for stays abroad in the USA and Mexico . In May 1983 he began his legal clerkship at the Otto Hahn Comprehensive School in Berlin-Neukölln , and in February 1985 he completed the second state examination in both subjects.


Austilat has been married to his wife Diana since 1991. He has two children: Konstantin and Katharina. The family temporarily included two rabbits. The current pet, the mixed breed dog Duffy, is in excellent health despite the rotten heart valve.


Even during his studies, Austilat worked as a student assistant and driver. On July 1, 1985, he began working as an editorial messenger for the Berliner Tagesspiegel. From 1987 Austilat worked as an editor in the Sunday supplement "Weltspiegel", which was continued as a magazine with a fixed structure after a relaunch in 1999; Austilat u. a. for the scientific page "Learning for Life", for which he himself wrote many articles, for example on the question of how a body changes after death. Over the years, Austilat was deputy head of the magazine (with the title "Sonntag" since 2001) and was responsible for the pages "History", "City" and "Interview", and wrote columns about his garden and his passion for camping holidays. The hobby historian's particular passion belongs to ancient Rome, an era to which he devoted numerous articles, for example on traffic or rental prices, as well as the history of Berlin, where he knowledgeably reviewed his own youth. As a reporter, Austilat spared no effort. So he researched the subject of "nude gardening" in England with adequate nakedness. For the big Sunday interview, he met celebrities such as the British comedian John Cleese , the Russian scientist Sergeij Crutschschow (son of the former CPSU general secretary), the animal researcher Heinz Sielmann , the architect David Chipperfield , the reporter legend Peter Scholl-Latour and the Hitler biographer Ian Kershaw .

Since the summer of 2016, Austilat has been listed in the imprint of the Tagesspiegel as a " reporter ", and he now researches and writes for many sections of the newspaper. 

Reception as a book author

Austilat has published several books. His best-known works "Anyone Can Have a Hotel" and "Vom Winde Said" are about his family's experiences with camping and gardening. The taz ruled that for "Hotel everyone can" pay Austilat "an honorary award for field research. A book about Mark Twain's time in Berlin 1891/92, with previously unpublished texts by the American writer, was initially published in 2013 under the title" A Tramp in Berlin " in the USA. The be.bra-Verlag did not publish it in German until the following year. The Berliner Morgenpost praised the book as a “meritorious work.” Kevin Mac Donnell, owner of the largest private collection on Mark Twain, wrote about the author: Austilat "knows his city and is clearly a devoted Twainian".

Book publications

  • Anyone can do a hotel. Goldmann-Verlag, Munich 2014, ISBN 3442157730 .
  • Sown by the wind. Goldmann-Verlag, Munich 2015, ISBN 3442158494 .
  • Mark Twain in Berlin. Stroll through European Chicago. Be.bra-Verlag 2014


Austilat is a fan of the Berlin football club Hertha BSC .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Driving ban in ancient Rome , Der Tagesspiegel of December 30, 2007
  2. ^ Rent usury in ancient Rome , Der Tagesspiegel of May 12, 2013
  3. Andreas Austilat at Randomhouse Publishing Group
  4. Christel Burghof: Don't be jealous now! Generation Camper column ,, October 5, 2014
  5. ^ Judith Luig: Mark Twain and his Berlin months , Berliner Morgenpost from January 23, 2015
  7. Kevin MacDonnell on indipendent.academia